Chapter Seventeen

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"Kiss me."

I didn't even have the time to react when his warm lips roughly made contact with my own. I was completely caught off guard that I lost my balance but Harry's arms caught me and locked around my waist pulling me impossibly close. I felt like I was floating and sparks were going off everywhere, once again incredibly cheesy but it was exactly that and so much more. His hands roamed my body while mine was tugging at his hair. Pretty soon I needed air and as much as I'd like to keep going I had to breathe.

"I didn't even say yes." Both of us were panting, foreheads restong against each other.

"I wasn't giving you any options." His fingers danced along my back making me shiver with ecstasy.

"What if I didn't want to?" I looked up at him through my lashes and subconsciously bit my lip.

"Bullshit." He whispered against my lips. He picked me up with ease and rested me on his table. His lips rested on the skin of my collarbone and worked up to my neck where he peppered soft kisses which then turned rough making me let out a moan. I felt him smirk and then he moved to my jawline. I fisted his collar wanting him to give me more. He moved to the corner of my mouth where he placed a delicate peck. All too soon he pulled away leaving both us breathless and me craving more.

"Let's go watch a movie yeah?" He started to walk away from me. I jumped off the table and grabbed his wrist spinning him around to face me. I gave him and innocent and sly smile making him scrunch his eyebrows in confusion. Without any warning, I slammed him against the wall and kept his hands beside his head where I interlocked my own. I kissed him aggressively with everything I had. I moved to his neck and started to roughly suck causing him to let out a throaty moan.

"You're-you're very bold Adelaide." He managed to say through breathless pants. I stopped sucking and looked at his dilated eyes.

"Would you have it any other way?" I twirled a lock of his hair above his neck.

"Absolutely not." He took his back off the wall and this time, it was me who was pinned against it. Harry had my arms locked above my head which was agonizing because I just wanted to touch and feel him. Just as he was about to lean down, a very loud ringtone ruined the moment.

"God damn it." He muttered and hesitantly pulled away making me giggle. My heart was still beating at a very fast pace and my lips were still tingling. Harry walked over to his bed and picked up his phone. His eyes scanned through the message and a small smile appeared on his swollen lips.

"Well my parents are staying over at some motel cause the car broke down and wont be back til tomorrow." He was still smiling making me confused.

"Um so why are you smiling?" He shook his head and chuckled.

"Well it means you can stay here for the night!" He exclaimed happily. I have to admit staying the night did sound a bit rash but at the moment I didn't really care.

"Great! So why don't you be a good host and make me some food." I gestured out the door and gave him a look that I hoped would convince him. Surprisingly he let out a huff and mumbled ''fine" and walked out the door but of course not before giving me a chaste kiss on the lips which I wasn't expecting.

I can not believe that just happened. I didn't want to ponder around it too much and just decided that I would think about it some other time. I walked to his table which had papers scattered everywhere. There was however a notebook that looked pretty wornout, the pages were slightly torn and the writings were faded.

I flipped through the pages in wonder when I come upon a black and white photgraph. It was of a young couple on a beach with wide smiles on their vibrant faces. It's funny, the photo was so old and faded but the couple looked so youthful and alive. The man had slicked back hair and wore checkered board shorts. The woman was in a conservative bikini. What attracted me to her was the pendant she wore. That's strange it looked like the one Nonna gave to me when I was 8. I took an even closer look at the woman, she had a mole above the upper right corner of her lip...just like Nonna. My mind started to process everything and it just clicked. Nonna and Harry's grandfather knew each other and by the looks of the picture, they might even be lovers.

"Harry! Harry! Where are you?" I ran out of his room and stumbled through the halls, my mind still spinning. I made it to the stairs and Harry was already on his way up. I met him half way and he concern was etched on his face. He took me into his arms and examined my features.

"What is it Adelaide? Are you alright? Are you hurt? Shit I shouldn't have left you alone damn it!" His voice was frantic and I tried my best to calm him down.

"No no I'm fine it's just, well I might have found a picture of both of our grandparents together?" It came out more like a question, anticipating his reaction. He looked confused, his mouth agape.

"What do you mean? Which picture?" I grabbed his arm and dragged all the way up back to his room. I picked up the picture and pointed to the woman.

"Her? Grandfather told me that she vanished the day that they got engaged." Now it was my turn to be utterly confused. Nonna was with us the entire time. Maybe she ran away, but she looked so happy with Harry's grandfather. What reason would she have that would be enough to drive her away?

"She didn't vanish at all Harry! She had been with us all this time. See the pendant that she's wearing? Nonna gave me the exact same one on my 8th birthday. I know my Nonna when I see her Harry." I looked him dead in the eye to make him see that I really was sure of myself.

"This just doesn't make any sense. Why would your Nonna run away from my grandfather? He used to tell me how in love they were. They even had their future planned. Why did she just leave him behind?" Both of us remained silent, lost in our own thoughts. I desperately wanted answers. Why did Nonna keep this from all of us? Did my grandfather know about her past? Did anyone? What was their to hide? Did this have anything to do with her stories? Question after question was racing through my mind. Not one could be answered.

"I can't believe this." I finally broke the silence. He pulled me into a warm embrace and rubber figures along my back in an attempt to comfort me.

"We'll figure this out, don't worry love but for now, how about some food yeah?" At that very moment that the words left his mouth, I started to smell something burning and from the way Harry tensed up, I knew that he could smell it too. I pulled away from him and coughed lightly.

"Do you happen to own a fire extinguisher?"


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