Sam (13)

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A/N So, for this imagine I'm experimenting a bit more with your character. They're gonna be a lot more sassy and badass in this one and I don't normally write things like this, so it's gonna be fun! Also, I'm gonna try to be a lot more gender neutral for this one.

You woke up extra early in your boyfriend, Sam's, arms. He and Dean were going on a hunt today, but had decided that it was too dangerous for you, so you had begrudgingly stayed back, but you insisted that you would do reaserch. You thought that because you got up early, you would make the boys a nice breakfast, since they barely ever had a good breakfast before going on hunts. You wriggled out of Sam's arms and planted a quick kiss on his forehead before heading to go make breakfast.

"Sam! Sam, wake up!" You whispered, gently shaking Sam's shoulder.

"MMMPH" Sam mumbled into his pillow.

"I made breakfast." You said. He instantly sat up, eyes wide. "Oh, so you'll get up for food but not your (boy/girlfriend)?" You teased.

"I love you. Thank you for breakfast." Sam said, pecking you on the cheek.

"Love you too, now hurry up, breakfast is getting cold." You laughed, leaving the room to go wake Dean. You walked quickly to Dean's room and banged on the door. "DEAN! GET UP! BREAKFAST IS READY!"



"Geez, stop yelling, I'm coming!"

"Good, now go eat your breakfast I made while your lazy ass was sleeping."

"Yes, Sir." Dean grumbled and went to eat breakfast with Sam.

"So, when are you guys planning on leaving?" You asked.

"Right after we finish this, which is delicious by the way, thanks, beautiful." Sam commented.

"You're welcome." You giggled, kissing his nose.

"Guys, stop. People are trying to eat here!" Dean grimaced.

"Oh come on, Dean! It's not like you wouldn't do the same with Cas!" You smirked. (Yes, I just did what you think I did.) Dean blushed and looked down, suddenly very interested in his bacon, grinning slightly and mumbling something along the lines of "Shut up."

"Anyway, I've got all your stuff ready, so when you do go, that is after you wash up, you know where everything is."

"Why do we have to-" Dean was cut off by Sam smacking the back of his head. "Consider it done." He sighed, rubbing the spot where Sam had hit him.

"Are you SURE you don't want me to come, 'cause I-" Sam cut you off with a quick kiss and you glared at him. "I'm serious, Sam! This could be dangerous!"

"I know, which is why you're not coming! I couldn't live with myself if I lost you." Sam said, brushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. 'Damn those puppy dog eyes.' You thought.

"Fine." You huffed. "But you have to promise to call me every day that you're gone."

"Of course." Sam grinned, pulling you in for a hug. "I Love you." He said, kissing your forehead.

"I Love you too, Sam." You buried your head in his chest.

"HEY! You two lovebirds ready or not?" Dean called. Sam sighed.

"Yeah, let's go!" He replied, pecking you on the lips and grabbing his jacket.

You were sitting alone, watching TV in your pyjamas when you got a phone call. You check who was calling you: Dean? 'Odd.' You thought. "Hey Dean, what do you need?"

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