Fred for Emily (11)

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A/N Soo this is a personalised imagine for my friend Emily ( emil_law )!!! Hope you enjoy :) Also: Don't be shy to make a request! I don't bite. (much)

"Emily!" I heard Fred call and I peeked out from under the table I was hiding under and bit my lip to stifle a giggle. Being the mature fifth years we were, we had decided to play hide and seek. I brushed a strand of my ginger hair out of my face and hid back under the table. "EMMMM!" He called again, this time getting closer. I grew nervous as I heard his footsteps get closer to my hiding place. I tightly shut my eyes, tensing up as the footsteps got closer and louder. I heard a quiet  "Found you," and opened one eye.  Suddenly, I was being greeted by the warm golds and reds of the Gryffindor common room, as I was being scooped up in Fred's arms.

"Fred!" I cried. "Fred, Put me down!"

"Nope," He smirked, he then started tickling at my sides.

"No! Stop!" I squealed.

"Never!" He cackled.

"Mercy, mercy!" I laughed. Fred chuckled and put me down, his arms still rapped around my waist. I rested my hands on his shoulders, looking into his blue-green eyes (YES THEY'RE BLUE IN THE BOOK), him looking into my brown ones, leaning in closer. I gulped, leaning in as well, but then he stopped, clearing his throat and removing his hands from my waist. I internally sighed and took my hands off of his shoulders.

"I've, uh... gotta get to class," He said weakly.

"Yeah... yeah. So do I," I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

I smiled up at Fred as we danced to the fast-paced music of the Yule Ball. When he asked me, I had immediately said yes. He was my best friend. How could I not? I was wearing a pretty, purple, knee length dress with small gems seen into the sleeves. I wasn't very much of a dress-y person, so I had chosen something simple. Fred's sister (and my good friend) Ginny, however, had insisted on me doing my makeup. "I'm gonna get a drink, do you want anything?" Fred asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"I think I'm good," I replied, grinning. Fred kissed my forehead swiftly and left to go get his drink and I could feel the heat rising to my cheeks. As I went to go have a seat, I spotted Harry and Ron and straight away felt sorry for them. Both of their choices for dates had turned them down and they looked to be having a miserable time. I couldn't help but giggle at Ron's outfit, though. Fred had been sent something equally horrid, but had chosen not to wear it, for the sake of his dignity. I then spotted Hermione crying on the stairs, her blue dress stained with punch and her high heels in her hand. I ran over to her, not saying anything, just sitting with her and letting her cry into my shoulder. I saw Fred looking around with a look of concern on his face, but then the look turned from concern to sadness as he watched Hermione cry into my shoulder. He didn't speak, only sat next to me and laced his fingers with mine, letting me lean up against him, resting his chin on the top of my head.


Fred and I were sitting together in the library, studying for our O.W.Ls. He, of course, didn't want to, insisting that it was 'a waste of time'. Saying things like 'I don't even need to do O.W.Ls anyway, I just want to run a joke shop with George!'. But I still made him study, because
1. His grades would determine what classes he got into and
2. I was going to study and needed the moral support.
He was still not giving up, so I had used my secret weapon: The puppy dog eyes, and he gave in. I smiled to myself thinking of how stubborn he was, and yet I still could have him wrapped around my finger with puppy dog eyes.

"What are you smiling about?" Fred teased, nudging me.

"Nothing," I smirked.

"Tell me," He pouted.


"Tell me."


"Do I have to force it out of you?" Fred said, kissing my forehead. I giggled. He then kissed my cheek, nose, temple and then stopping when he neared my lips.

"Look, I don't mean to intrude," A Ravenclaw in the year above me with glasses, shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes started, "but if you're gonna kiss her, do it now. The tension is killing me," She sighed, pushing up her glasses and returning to her book. Fred pressed his lips together in a thin line.

"I've gotta get to class," He huffed.

A Hufflepuff in our year with long, blonde hair and blue-green eyes perked up from her notes and said "Actually, if I'm not mistaken, we've got the same class next and it's not for another ten minutes," the Ravenclaw hit her arm, whispering something about letting him escape the situation, whilst Fred quickly grabbed his things and left the library.

"Fred!" I whisper-shouted. "Fred!"

"Look," The Ravenclaw said, "Uh... Emily, was it?" I nodded. "Look, Emily, you don't have to be in Ravenclaw to know that you two like each other. It's blatantly obvious. However, you obviously need to be in Ravenclaw, because apparently I'm the only one who gets this, to know that he's worried that you don't feel the same way. You just need to show him that you do."

"You can't really say you don't have the courage either... You're not in Gryffindor for nothing." The Hufflepuff girl chimed in.

"I guess you're right." I sighed.

"Like hell we are!" The Ravenclaw said, the Hufflepuff elbowing her in the ribs.

"Anyway, I've actually gotta get going. Snape's not gonna be happy if i show up late to his class for the fifth time in a row." I said, standing up and gathering my notes. "OH! I never got your names."

"Erin." The Ravenclaw said.

"Madison." The Hufflepuff said. "And I'll make sure I talk to Fred during this class if I get to."


"FRED, GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE!" I yelled when I returned to the Gryffindor common room.

"Calm down woman, I'm here. What's with all the yelling?" Fred asked when he arrived in the common room.

"Look, Fred. I just need to ask you something."

"Ask away." Fred answered.

"Why have you been shying away from me lately?" I inquired. Fred cleared his throat.

"Pass." He said.

"Don't play games with me, Fred Weasley." I said, walking closer to him. He gulped, backing away.

"I-I haven't been avoiding you... What are you talking about?" He breathed, visibly sweating.

"Fred, I'm serious. Why. Are. You. Avoiding. Me?" I said, getting closer with each word. Fred mumbled something that sounded a little bit like ''Causeiloveyou' Either that or 'cousin of you'.

"In English, please."

"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, OKAY?" Fred yelled. My eyes went wide with shock. He sighed turning to walk away, but I grabbed his wrist and kissed him quickly on the lips.

"I love you, too. You idiot."

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