Chapter 14: Choices

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"It is your programming that has created your choices in the past. It is the choices you make today that is creating the programs of your future." — Life Lessons


Victoria's POV

"What happened, Vi?" Frankie quickly ran towards me as soon as she noticed me crying. I tried so hard to suppress the tears, but they kept coming. 

"It's nothing," I croaked which I didn't intend to sound like that, which caught her curiosity. Worries were written all over her face. "Excuse me," I said as I tried to duck her and her curiosity, but she quickly traps me before I could reach my door. 

"Why are you crying? And where is Xandrous?" she asked successively as she tried to catch my eyes. I was looking elsewhere but her eyes.

"He stayed behind," I said softly, trying to duck her curiosity. I don't really want to talk about it, but she was tenacious. 

"Did he do something stupid?" she growled and my soaked eyes snapped at her. Her eyes were sharp as a razor. I suddenly felt like she was my sister and she's ready to protect me. She looks genuinely concerned and I couldn't hold my emotions any longer. 

"God, I was so stupid!" I cried out as I ran into her arms and she hugs me. She was rubbing my back in circles as she murmured soothing words. "I shouldn't have entertained him again!" I grit out between tears. 

I heard her gasped as she hugs me back. "What happened?" Frankie asked in her sweet warming voice, coaxing me to spill everything to her and before I could even think, I start relaying what happened at the mall, bitterness and anger already consumed me. 

My heart was beating loudly against my ribcage. Pain consumed me. "We were so happy together. I thought I was the happiest woman in the world. He was there with me, shopping. He patiently following me, treating me like a queen and I believed it. I fucking believe him!" I grit out with contempt, letting the tears flow freely down my cheeks with brokenness, damping my face all the more. "And then, he has a child? Maybe that's why he ran here because he doesn't want the child. Maybe that's why he came to see me, claiming that he loves me and he wants to win me back, but he was actually running away from his responsibility. He doesn't want her anymore because she's pregnant. What an ass! And he thought?" I chuckled humorlessly, disgust laced in every word. "I could replace her position, and I was so stupid to believe him!" I blabbered angrily in disdain, between tears.

"Sshhh..." Frankie cooed and I let the tears soaked my face. I felt so raw. It feels like I'm ripping into two. I felt that hole in my heart again, this time, it doubled. 

"Let's get inside your room," she murmured and I nodded. She assisted me until my bed. As soon I was close, I dropped my exhausted body on the bed, lying on my back. My eyes stared at the chandelier that gives soft light when it's on. 

I hear nothing from Frankie. She lets me cry my heart out, venting out my frustrations through blabbering. I don't even know what things came out of my mouth because I was so pissed, so angry of myself. 

I was stupid.

"How did you know she was pregnant?" Frankie finally spoke. 

Without looking at her, my eyes still directed at the chandelier up above, I respond briefly. "His mom called." I sniffed. 

"What did Xandrous tell you? Did he confirmed it was his?" Frankie asked inquisitively.

"I ran away before he could explain. There's nothing to talk about anyway. He chose her in the first place!" I bit my inner cheek as I remember why I was hurting right now. 

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