Chapter 23: Job

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"That's when I first learned that it wasn't enough to just do your job, you had to have an interest in it, even a passion for it." ― Charles Bukowski

Xandrous' POV

I watched her back with all smiles as she ambled through the aisles to the washroom at the very back of the room. From where I sat, I can't make out her physique as soon as she enters the hallway heading to her destination. 

I smiled when I remembered how her face disgruntled as soon as the dresses splayed across the bed. Most of them were turtle necks and long, just as I firmly ordered my secretary, Kara, to pick up. She grumbled multiple times as she picks the black one and a satisfied smile broke out on my lips when she pulled it on her. The dress drape around her body sexily, though it looks plain and covered almost all her skin, it didn't lessen her hotness. For me, whatever she wears is like calling me, fuck me. 

Damn, my brains are clogged with testosterone. What's happening to me?

My eyes darted back to the back where she disappeared. The arrival of the waiter with our food drags my attentions to her and watch her as she places the food on our table with a grace.

When she looks satisfied with her job, she straightened up and gave me a warm smile as she spoke. "Let me know if you need anything," then she took our empty glass. "Would you want some more?" she asked after.

"Sure," I nodded and she turns and walks away. My eyes traveled back to where Vicky's disappears and then I saw her coming. She looks radiant as she trudges towards my direction. Her smiles were too infectious. I found myself smiling as I watch her in a slow motion, like in the movie, approaching me. God, I want to kiss her again and again. 

I'm itching to drag her to the washroom and ravish her inside, but I thought I'd do that later after we eat. The people in the restaurant seemed to decrease much to my relief. 

"I'm sorry," she settles back to the seat she vacated then look down at her plate filled with her stead sandwich cut in half and fries. She flashed me a smile and pick one piece of the sandwich and took a bite. I started eating mine. Placing the buffalo chicken wrap to my mouth, I enthusiastically took a bite. It tastes good.

"Delicious," she purred as she made another bite, then another until all the food on her plate were cleaned up. 

"The chicken buffalo wrap is good, too," I smiled as I was about to put the last bite in my mouth when she interrupted me. 

"Can I try?" she asked. Her eyes drooling as she stared at the small piece of wrap in my hand. 

I smiled and instead of popping it into my mouth, I leaned over to her and fed her the last bite of my chicken wrap. Her appetite sure is big. I lick the sauce that drips in my thumb and she smiled as she chewed on the food. Her eyes twinkling with happiness and I felt a warm feeling clothed my whole being. Feeling contented as I watch her merrily enjoyed the last bite of my food. 

"That was delicious," she said as soon as she swallowed it all and then grab her drink and made a long sip. "I should try that next time," she smiled and I agreed. 

"What do you want to do after lunch?" I asked. 

She finishes her drink before she responded. "Maybe we can go to the amu-" her words cut through with her phone ringing. 

She held her pointer finger up motioning me to give her a second as she scans through her purse and then pulled out her phone after a seemingly long minute. By the time she fishes it out, the call ended. She looks at the screen and then shrugged her shoulder. She was about to stuff it back in her purse when it rang again.

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