Chapter 5

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Mariel's POV

We plan to take off the next morning and today was to be spent collecting supplies. Ultimate hands me a bow and a quiver full of arrows and asks me to get some food. When I step out the door I see we were hidden in a poorly camouflaged cave. I take a deep breath of the fresh afternoon breeze as I take in my surroundings. Our cave was located on a small hill overlooking the ruins of my home town. Roofs still glow a bright orange as they are reduced to embers. I can make out the figures of zombies hiding in the shadows. Spiders and creepers roam the crumbling cobblestone streets. I duck down low as I make my way to the safety of the trees. I lock an arrow into place as I cautiously look for stray pigs and cows. All I can hear is the soft rustle of leaves and the occasional snap of twigs under my soft soled shoes. My tattered dress constantly catches on thorns and low branches. I'm just beginning to relax my stiff muscles when a crisp snap of a twig makes me jump. I whip around to see a cow give a curious moo. I launch an arrow and catch it in the side. It's mellow moo becomes more like a yelp as it runs around madly. I send one more arrow and it finds its home in the cows neck. With a small poof the whole cow turns to dust and three raw steaks.

Matt's POV

Today I plan to search the village for survivors and supplies left behind. I carefully duck behind a ruined house as I watched wither skeletons carry diamonds stolen from the mine. Quietly walking behind them, I stabbed the first skeleton in the rib cage, and it collapsed into hundreds of bones. The other one turned around, saw the bones of his friend, and dashed off, lugging the sac of diamonds. I grabbed my bow, pulled an arrow from the quiver, and pulled a perfect shot. The wither skeleton exploded into a million pieces, leaving behind the diamonds unharmed. A villager came out of the house, covered in dirt. I gave her a piece of bread and told her to run to the cave for safety.

Emily's POV

Around sunset, everyone started coming back. We gathered all the things we found on the table, and equally split them. The next day, all of us will be leaving to Herobrine's Mansion. I laid on my bed, and studied the map Ant gave me. Our first obstacle is an giant, infested ocean.

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