Chapter 13: Diablesse Part 2

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With that last thought in my mind. I walk towards the center of the western part of Magnolia's forest skirts. 'Well, let the games begin! Hell hath no fury than a demon scorned.'  

Laxus's POV

'Who could this intruder be? And why can't I feel it's strong presence now?' "Are you sure someone's here?" I asked Freed. "I can't feel any presence at all."

"It's weird. I haven't picked up anything too. Are we really sure someone has breached the runes?" Erza asked. Clearly as bemused as I am. 

"Master we are here!" Just then Lisanna appeared together with all the other mages. "This is the last batch of mages,


"Good job Mest. Freed could you tell were the exact location of the breach?"

"Yes Master. I could pinpoint the exact location my runes had been disrupted." Freed responded immediately. 

"Very well then. Show me where it is." 

'What?!' "Hey old man. Aren't you the one telling us not to be complacent?"

Everyone in the vicinity also expressed their concern.

"Do you really think a single mage could destroy a wizard saint boy?!!" Gramps asked. Every vein in his forehead had been protruding. 'I wonder if those were really pop out of his head.'

"But still Master let someone be with you. We do not know if there is only one mage that had gotten inside the runes. We already know that they could hide their presence." My thoughts were broken by Levy's plea.

"Alright. Then all of the guildmasters here will come with me. You too sting and rogue."

"Freed, Bixlow, and Evergreen accompany them just in case. It is better to have a back-up" I ordered my team. "Ok brats. You take care of yourselves alright."

"We have been waiting for half an hour and still no intruder is here." Lyon said.

"I'm worried about the guildmasters. Why are they not yet back?"

"Yeah. Why aren't they back?!"

"Could it be that the real targets were the masters of the guild?"

"Oh no!!!" Panic begin to rise among the majority of us.

"Everyone just shut up!!!!" I screamed. "And you call yourselves a wizard? God! Just be calm okay. This is what our enemy wants. For us to be disoriented."

"Laxus is right. We have stronger wizards of our own. We are more than cap...."

"Lisaaannnaaa!!!" Elfman rushed to his sister.

"Lisanna! Are you okaa..." Just like that. Elfman fell unconscious.

"What was happening?! Asked Jellal."

I tried to sense who was behind this. My nose started to pick up a scent. 'No way! How could this happen?!!

I looked around me to see who else is affected. Apparently, none was harmed but the shock registered in their faces were enough to make my heart pick up its pace. " The intruder had started to attack."

"But how could this happen? We haven't sense anything before Lisanna and Elfman fell down." Minerva asked.

"Are they...." Kagura trailed off. 'My heart stopped at that question. Are they dead? No. It can't be.'

"Mirajane." I whispered here name.

"No they are not. They are asleep." Erza reassured us.

"A sleep magic. I didn't even sense anyone using a spell. Also, how come we aren't affected at all?" Jura asked.

"I do not know. All I know is whoever the mage was. It sure is strong to be able to put this kind of spell without us noticing."

"Well. well. well. Look who we have here?"

"It can't be!"

"What are you!"

"No way!"

"How did you..."

"Is that how you welcome a comrade Minerva?" The intruder cut her off. The smile plastered in its face sends shivers down to my spine.

"Aren't you dead?"

"Well obviously I'm not." The intruder responded.

'Am I really seeing what I am seeing? How is such a monster alive?'

"Is this your doing?" Erza motioned to the sleeping bodies..

She scoffed. "Oh please. I haven't even started yet Titania."

"It's nice to see you again. Laxus? Too bad it will end here."

'Her eyes bore into mine. Could it be? But how?'

"Yeah too bad isn't it?" Electricity flowed furiously around me.

"Seilah." I called her name disdainfully.

"First things first then, I order everyone to fall unconscious!"

A huge magic circle appeared beneath her.

"Sherry, Lyon, Cheria!" Jura screamed as his comrades fell.

"Men. Hang on there." Ichiya said,Now I've watched my comrades fall asleep.







More bodies continue to fall asleep until only 8 of us were left standing.

"Impressive. So you managed to ignore my order huh?"

I looked around to see Erza, Kagura, Ichiya, Jura. Minerva, Bacchus, and the girl from twilight ogre. 'Ugh what was here name again? Meridith. Yeah sounds like that. Why is she even awake?'

"You'll pay for what you did!"

"Really? Why don't you come at me then?"

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