Chapter 8: The Things You Do to Me

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Laxus' POV



I ran across the town but there were no signs of Mira.

'Damn it Mira! Where are you. Stop making me worry!'

I'm having a hard time restraining myself. I am still very upset about gramps' decision. She's obviously qualified for the mission but her lack of experience strikes her out of the game.

Tired and emotionally exhausted. I sat down a nearby tree. I'm here at the park right now.

'Aargh! Where the hell could she be! I'll punish her the moment I saw her.' I badly wanted to kill someone right now! 'Where is Natsu when you need him?!'

"Mira!" I tried calling her once more.

I look up out of frustrstion. Then suddenly I remebered.

"The Lake! She must be there!" I ran as fast as I could. I'm exhausted right now. My magic is kind of depleted so to speak.

As soon as I reach the tip of the mountain, the beautiful reflection of the lake tinged with silver light from the moon beckoned me.

'Damn! She's not here!' I cursed.

Suddenly, a faint rustling echoed at my side. For a mere human, this could pass off as a rustling of leaves. But not for a dragonslayer's acute senses. I know someone is here.

I tensed. Ready for combat if necessary. A silhouette of a person came into my view.

I hid behind the nearby oak tree for cover.

"Are you sure she's here?" A feminine voice said.

"I'm sure. She's always here if she wanted to pass the time by or if she wanted some space for herself." Another voice said.

"Well then let's go. It's dangerous to stay here at night." A rough voice interjected.

'Who are these people? And who are they looking for?! Wait are they looking for my gir-wait what?!! Dude you're seriously fucked up. Your girl, really?' A smile crept up my face. 'Yeah, my girl. Got a problem with that? Ok now I'm fucked up.'

The sound of their footsteps and heavy panting where getting louder; an indication that they are getting nearer to where I stand.

Imagining the thought that someone would want to hurt her makes my blood boil.

No one touches what's mine! You hear that huh? I crouched, ready for an assault.

"Roar of the Lightning - Lisanna?!! Is that Erza?! Aww. You too gramps?!"

I'm stunned! How did my dragon hearing not detect the voices of my guildmates. Damn you Mirajane! The things you do to me!

I was in the middle of  cursing how I felt for the eldest and might I add hottest take over sibling, not that I consider Lisanna as hot. It kinda felt wrong. It's similar to having a crush on Wendy.

Especially not Elfman. Ugh! I shuddered at the thought.

"Uhm. Laxus?" Lisanna broke my reverie.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked raising my brow.

"Could you uhm... You see. Cccoould yyou get up now? Uhmm. It's quite awkwward yyou knnow.." She stammered.

'Huh?! What is she talking about?' I said to myself.

I trailed my eyes to where she's gawking at.

"Shit!" I immediately crawled out of her body.

'That is seriously wrong!' Me on top of Lisanna. I looked at the youngest take over mage and found she's blushing.

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