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My parents were working there asses off. I don't blame them. They are strong, independent, hardworking, dedicated, passionate and loving. But sometimes we should just forget about the problems the bills etc. That's why I want to go camping one day. Because you get to enjoy those beautiful moments with your family and be exposed to pure nature. Share laughter, jokes , and feelings. Most of the time I just want my parents to tell me that everything is gonna be okay. But I think they are a bit shy to share their emotions with their thirteen year old daughter. I am not saying they are bad parents. They are perfect in my perspective. I have wished I had other parents when I didn't get what I want. But I have learn to appreciate them. My mom always tells me that my dad used to be different. I would always ask "how come" she answers "well he used too be more caring and he used to buy me flowers most of the time." The world has made the good people inconsiderate, rude, and hateful. My dad is to busy making a living and he is forgetting to make a life. He is forgetting to enjoy. My dad is too addicted to work. Is he living or just breathing?

My mom gets tired and sad of doing the same things over and over again. For example she wakes up goes too work and comes homes cooks and goes back to sleep. Is that the definition of living? I don't think so. Living is when you go to places with your family. Living is when you enjoy having the opportunity to share moments with your family. Is true we make a living by what we get but we make a life by what we give. I  see it in her eyes, tiredness, boredom, lifeless. Not long ago she cried for no reason. I kept asking her whats wrong? No answer. Whenever my mom cries I feel as though I have to cry too. It's sad. She is very strong. Even though she may have all her emotion mixed together she still fights and holds on too the little hope she has. Hope is very important. Hope.

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