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I sometimes wonder why they called someone you like a "crush". But is whatever is just a childish thing that everyone goes through. Don't you sometimes look back at your old crushes and realize how ugly they are? No offense.

Honestly I never dated someone. And I don't look forward into dating anyone. Not until I am mature enough. It may sound stupid but think about it. You are saving yourself for someone that will truly respect you and appreciates what you do. I am talking nonsense.

I have thought of dating and making out, sex and passion but honestly I like being single. I never had the experience of being a girlfriend. But I don't think I am missing lot.

I thought I fell in love when I was in 6th grade. But It was just a "crush". He was something different. Nobody saw it. I was the only one who realized it. He was unique, determine, sensitive, and ambitious. People Judge others from their appearance and don't truly get to know them. You never know. He may have been ugly but he was someone that you always wanted to be around with.

I currently don't have any crushes. I think I do. But then I realize he is just a fuckboy. I am not gonna waste my time on someone that doesn't appreciate my presence. If you know what I mean. Also I wouldn't let no man take advantage of my kindness.
This generation is full of fuckboys is really hard to find someone loyal and honest these days. The future
generations would be in another level of fucked up. I pray for them.

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love.

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