Chapter 21: Shopping Gone Wrong

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(No summary sorry :))

Chapter 21:

"Come on!"


"You need to go."

"I refuse!"

"It's just one store."

"It's embarrassing!"

"Is not."

"Is too!"

"Is not!"

"Is too!"

Why are the boys taking me shopping?

That's the question everyone should be asking. Ariana Gardner does NOT go shopping. Especially in these sunshine/butterfly stores. I mean, Forever 21 is okay. Just not my style. Why can't these guys take a hint?

"You're going wether you like it or not!" Harry insisted.

"Make me," I sass.

"She did not just go there," Louis says, snapping his fingers.

I try not to laugh. Suddenly giant hands grab me from behind and lift me up.

"GAHHHHHHHHH!" I yell. I look behind me to find Niall with a smirk played across his happy face.

"Gotcha," he grins. I roll my eyes. I softly smile so only I can see.


"Come out, Ari!" Louis says.

"It's embarrassing! You have such strange taste in my clothing," I mutter.

"Come on! Come out now, love!" Liam says.

"Whatever. Hold the applause," I say sarcastically.

I slam open the changing room door with a grunt. I hated this. Pink, pink, pink. Why couldn't it go down a shade and be red? Red is awesome. Not only is it an awesome song (and album!) (I like her music, sorry!), but an awesome color.

Pink is too mainstream. That sounds kind of bratty, but it's true. True for me, anyway.

The boys had forced me to put on a flowy PINK top that's kind of faded, white skinny jeans (no rips? Seriously, people!) and NO ONE. And I mean NO ONE could get those boots off me. So they left the black leather boots hanging there like a loner matched with the girly-girl attire.

"Not bad, not bad at all," Harry says.

Louis claps. "Beautiful, darling. Spin," he mimics a person from those wedding dress reality TV shows.

"I said hold the applause," I say in a deathly tone of voice.

Then I burst out laughing.


She burst out laughing. Her blonde hair died red at the tips spun around like crazy. Her face was hilarious, making me want to laugh. I join her, and we laugh even harder.

"But really, pink suits you!" I insist.

She just shakes her head. "Pink stinks!"


After we walked around the mall (and went to almost every store), got some food, and talked some, we went home with the sky painted gold.

We were in the car we rented. It's a mini van. I have no idea how they chose a gold mini van for heaven's sake, but they did. They as in the other members of the band.

Louis was driving with Liam riding shotgun. Harry was two down from me, and Ariana was in the middle seat. Ariana was asleep with her head resting on Harry's shoulder.

"I feel like a loner!" Zayn shouts from the back of the mini van.

"Niall get in the very back seat with the loner, will you? Thanks doll," Louis commands.

"Idiots," Ariana mumbles in her sleep.

"Aw, Harry she's dreaming about you!" I say. We all burst out laughing. Harry leans forward to grab something, sending Ariana flying forward into Liam's seat.

She screams and sits up abruptly. "WHAT THE HECK, AFRO?!"

"I'm sorry. I was laughing," Harry apologizes.

"Yeah!" I joke, pumping a fist in the air.

"It was my fault."


"Actually it was Niall's fault."

"Yeah! Wait, what?"

We all erupt in laughter.

And then what I had predicted came reality;

It was too good to be true.


Oh my gosh blah. School stinks. And Harry's turning 20 in 5 months😭

I'm thinking about being Niall for Halloween this year... Lol!

A friend and I are trying to get a group together and be One Direction! Lol

Anyway CLIFFHANGERRRRRR!!!! I thought there wasn't enough action and was too peaceful... Well, there you go.



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