Chapter 23: Secret Spiller

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She nods stiffly and trots off.

I run my hands through my hair nervously. I hope she wakes up soon.


Chapter 23:


It's been three days since the accident.

We were all a total wreck.

"Niall, are you okay?" Harry asks me. We were in Louis and Liam's hospital room right now.

"No, Harry. Not really," I confess.

He purses his lips into a thin line. "Me neither." Hallmark moment, I know. Take a picture and slap it on a get-well card.

"This is messed up," I laugh.

"You got that right," Harry joins. Harry had his surgery a couple days ago, and now he was glass-free. He has stitches above his right eyebrow, but there's nothing some foundation won't help! I sounded like such a girl.

"We're awkward turtles," I blurt out randomly.

Harry looks at me and shakes his head. "You are, at least."

"Meanie!" I say.

"Mr. Styles and Mr-I mean Niall?" The nurse from a couple days ago asks us.

"Hello..." I check her name tag. "Lillian."

"Hi, Niall. Louis is almost finished with testing. He can be released tomorrow," she says in her serious tone.

"Wonderful!" Harry says, showing off a fake smile.

Lillian smiles back uncertainty, then walks off to do nurse stuff.

"See? No one likes you," I tease.

"Are you kidding? Everyone wants to be me!" He states, flipping his hair jokingly.

"Whatever you say, Styles," I say. "Whatever you say."




"Guys! I'm here, too!" I but in to their reunion. They frown at me. I put my hands up in surrender. #thirdwheelswag

"So how was surgery?" Louis questions.

"Not bad," Harry replies.

"Yeah, because you were sleeping while it happened," I retort. Louis smirks and Harry rolls his eyes.

"So... My bear friend is in a coma I hear?" Louis says.

"Yeah," Harry replies. "We don't know when she'll wake up."

"Let's go see her!" I suggest. Louis smiles as we walk down the hall to her room.

When we get there, Louis knocks on the door slightly.

"Lou, she's in a coma. She won't care if you walk in," Harry says.

"Oh, right. I forgot," Louis says and pushes the door open. Inside was Ariana laying on her bed. Next to her were flowers from her mother and brother. And next to the flowers were her mother and brother.

"Uh, hello Mrs-" I start.

"Hi!" Louis buts in excitedly.

"Hello. Do you work here? Are you doctors?" Her mother asks. Harry gives out a laugh.

"No, ma'am, I'm afraid not. We just wanted to drop by," he says.

"Were you the boys that took Ari shopping the other day?" Mrs. Gardner asks, and nudges her head towards Ari's semi-conscious body.

"Yes ma'am," Harry says.

"Well, I've been trying to get her to go shopping with me for years now," she explains, "and somehow you manage to get her into Forever 21 without bribery in a matter of days!" She laughs. "You know, there's a word for people like you."

"Really?" Harry asks.

"Wonders. You boys are wonders."

All three of us nod, not knowing what to do.

"Mom," the younger brother says quietly.

"Yes, Paul?" Mrs. Gardner asks.

"That's One Direction," he says, staring at us. Louis smiles and waves.

"Oh sorry boys. I'm not good with celebrities these days," Mrs. Gardner says.

"That's okay, Mrs. Gardner," I say.

"He knows your name!" Paul screeches.

"Are you a fan?" Louis asks. Paul nods his head vigorously.

"Cool," Louis says. "He's got good taste."

"Yeah. Ariana was, too, before she got stuck in a coma. We went to your concert in Virginia!" He says.

"Cool," Harry says.

"Wait, Ari was a fan?" I ask.

"If you want to call her that, sure. Not as much as me, but yeah. Pretty big," Paul continues. "She even has this rubber duck named Prince Niall." I suck in my breath.

"Really? Are you sure we're talking about the same person?" I ask.

"Yeah. Wait, how do you know Ariana anyway?" Paul questions.

"Last week sometime we found her in an alley," Louis states.

Mrs. Gardner puts her head in her hands and muttered, "Good gosh, that child."

"She really did find One Direction," Paul says softly. He puts his head in his hands as well, mimicking his mother. "She needs to wake up."


AHH. Will Ari survive?


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