Chapter 22: In/Out of My Mind

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And then what I had predicted came reality;

It was too good to be true.


Chapter 22:


Everything was in slow motion, until it stopped. I know I'm being very vague right now, but it's true. In my mind, Harry still laughs about everything, Liam still has curly hair, Louis still tells his legendary "fungi" joke every two seconds, and Zayn still comments "Vas Happenin'?!" to everything. Even though those things aren't true anymore, I still think they are.

It's weird how your brain does that. Or mine, at least.

It's kind of like that right now. But more... Extreme, let's say.

Louis is still driving the van and laughing his head off, not in the ER not even cracking a smile.

Liam is still in the passenger seat rolling his eyes, not not being able to drink or eat without anyone helping him.

Harry is still laughing about the joke he told, not having a shard of glass above his right eyebrow.

Zayn is still in the backseat, not being bruised and broken from impact.

Ariana is still next to me, with her eyes closed shut from laughing, not in a hospital bed sleeping with scars across her small arms.

And I'm still smiling next to her, not wondering if she'll ever wake up.

I'm sure you can put the pieces together:

car crash.

And you'd be right. The car hit was from behind, causing Zayn to be harshly injured. Harry fell sideways, crashing into the window. Louis and Liam got the second-to-least damage, besides me.

And do you want to know why?

Because Ariana, oh, Ariana, flipping shielded me with her arms. No joke.

So I'm fine, really. Just her arms are scarred and glass-infected. That's all.

I stand up abruptly and groan frustratedly. Of course I'm the one who is saved, feeling the survivors guilt because someone sacrificed their arm to save me. Why didn't I think of that?

Of course the girl does it to the guys. The opposite of what's supposed to happen. Where is Shakespeare in real life when you need it?

"Mr... Horan?" A voice asks from behind me. I turn around. It's a nurse.

"Are they going to be okay?" I ask.

"Well... I have good news and bad news, Mr. Horan. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Good news." You would pick the good news too, right?

"Okay. Harry only has to have an operation that will fix him up well, getting the glass out of his face. He will have to stay overnight, but will be released the next day," the nurse says, looking at her clipboard. "Lewis-"

"Louis," I correct her.

"Louis will need to stay for a couple nights, for testing. Liam needs to stay for a week or so, then off to physical therapy. If he doesn't start right then, he may lose all control of the upper half of his body." I nod.

"Zayn will need to be treated a little while more, then we'll have to see. But probably no longer than a month," she continues. She bites her lip. "Although this is all pretty bad news, there is even worse news..."

The only person left was Ariana.

"Ariana is suspected to be in a coma." I nearly dropped dead. A coma?!

"Oh," is all I can muster.

"We don't know when she'll come out. So we'll just have to see."

"Is there anything you can do to help it?" I question.

"Probably not. I'm sorry.," the nurse replies.

"Is there anything I can do?"

"I'm afraid not, Mr. Horan," she says.

"Gosh! And please don't call me that. It's Niall," I try to say nicely, but ends out sounding mean and harsh.

She nods stiffly and trots off.

I run my hands through my hair nervously. I hope she wakes up soon.


Sorry for the short chapter...


👆this emoji kind of explains this chapter... Lol


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