Chapter 34: Birthday Central

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"Do you have anything planned?"

I smirk and reply, "Of course I do. And you all are coming with me."

Chapter 34:

When I wake up the next morning, a smile creeps on my face.

"Lou, you better hand over the milk!"


I laugh at the conversation I hear through my door.

I get up, grab my small milk carton, and use the connected door to get to their room.

"Looking for something?" I ask, holding up the carton. Louis and Niall both look in my direction.

"Yes!" Niall says, while at the same time Louis says, "No!"

"Nialler, catch!" I toss the milk and he catches it.

"Traitor!" Louis pouts.

"Come here," I say, and gesture for Louis to come hug me.

He nods sadly and walks slowly. On the way, he accidentally steps on Harry.

"Louis!" He accuses.

"Sorry, Hazza!"

"Well, now that I'm up," he says in his morning voice. Oh gosh. He stands up.

"Thank The Lord you have pajamas on," I say and jokingly cover my eyes. Louis snickers from behind me.

"So, soon-to-be 18 year old," Harry starts, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Voting, eh?" Niall comments.

"I thought that wasn't until 20," Louis states.

"I'm pretty sure it's 18," I answer him.

"Stupid teenagers could put some stupid answer and have a squirrel be the leader or something," Louis fantasizes.

"I'm so doing that," I tease. "As of tomorrow."

"You're also legal to live on your own," Niall comments.

"So it would be legal if we 'kidnapped' her and she lived with us on tour?" Harry asks.

"Completely," Niall replies.

"I can make that happen," he says and smiles down at me.

"I'd love to," I say and they cheer. I really, really would.


That next Tuesday I woke up and immediately jumped out of bed.

After getting ready, I burst through the door and say, "Hey, losers, the birthday queen has arrived!"

"Happy birthday, loser!" Louis calls and rushes to give me a hug.

"Bears forever!" I say. I hear a picture being taken. Turns out it was Harry. Thank heavens I dressed before I came in here.

"Ariana, love!" Liam calls and hug me. The camera snaps again.

"My fellow rapper," Zayn comments and give me a bro hug or whatever. The camera snaps.

"Ari!" I hear Harry call, and he throws his phone to Niall.

"Hazza!" I call back, and he tackles me with a hug.

"I love you, bestie," he says into my neck.

"Love you, too, Afro," I say back and smile. When we pull apart, I ruffle his hair a bit. When Harry sits back down on his bed and gets his phone, someone's arms wrap around my waist and lift me up.

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