Chapter 35: TOP SECRET ;)

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You don't get a summary, you're so awesome. ;P

Chapter 35:


"Is everything ready?" I ask frantically as I pace the room back and forth.

"Not yet, Niall. Chill," Liam says, trying to calm me down. But I can't help but feel stressed.

"When this is all figured out,then I will 'chill'," I reply. Liam rolls his eyes, probably thinking, "There's no hope for this lad."

I jumped back on the bed that Zayn and I shared. I checked my phone for the thousandth time today. Still no texts or calls. It was only four-ish or so, so I still had time. But I was still stressing.

The familiar hum of a vibrating phone erupted, causing everyone to freeze; someone got a text. We all pulled out our phones, checking.

"Not me," I say and turn it back off.

"Not me, either," Zayn says.

"Nope," Louis comments.

"I've got nothing," Liam states. We all look at Harry.

"It's from her mum," Harry says nonchalantly.

"Well, what does it say?" I ask.

"It says, 'Ariana is asleep right now. It would be a great time to get set up. Just be back before 6:30, our plan was 7. -Melissa Gardner'," Harry read out to us.

I clap my hands and exclaim, "Let's do this poo!"



I was floating... Yet I was still grounded somehow. I must be dreaming. I blink a few times, and realize where I was; a concert. There were screaming fans everywhere. I could see a stage a little far away, and a few people on it, but I couldn't make out their faces. I tried to read one girls' shirt, but for some reason, I couldn't read. Hmm. Weird. I just stand there for a while, listening to the screaming. That is, until a song starts playing. The screams get louder. I realize then that some girls are even crying. I familiar tune starts up, but I don't realize until someone starts singing that the song is What Makes You Beautiful. I was at a One Direction concert.

Amazing! This was so cool! When it was Niall's turn to sing, he looks at me. Directly. He just stares at me. I'm probably just smiling, looking at him. But I didn't care. It was like it was just me and him, in this whole arena.

Then he started talking to me, like he was right next to me.

"Wake up," he said. "Wake up." I frowned. What the heck was that supposed to mean?

"Wake up!" He exclaimed. When he repeated the phrase again, he sounded strangely like a girl...

My eyes shoot open and I turn to my left. Oh, it was only a dream. My mom was next to me, kneeling.

"Good, you're awake," she said and stood up.

"Yeah. Why am I awake, again?" I asked and sat up.

"I thought it'd be nice to go take you out for your birthday," my mom answered and smiled. I shrugged and said my thanks while walking to grab my shoes. "Let's go!" She exclaimed and practically dragged my out of the building.

"Whoa, what's the hurry?" I ask my mom as she shoves me in the car.

"6:30, 6:30," I hear her mutter under her breath. What about 6:30? I check the time on my phone. It's almost seven o'clock. I hope we're not late for any reservations or anything. She drives for about five minutes until we reach a park. It was very nice; a fence was surrounding the whole area. There was a larger tree in the center with benches around it. Wait, this wasn't a restaurant... What's going on here?

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