He needs to Learn

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I rush into his room and ignore his scent, crisp and clear all around me. Instead, I focus solely on Zane. I realize that it'll take some time for him to accept his wolf, but it's... almost astounding how long this is taking.

"What exactly is it that you have against your wolf?" my voice is a little colder than I would've thought it should be. I take a second to self-evaluate and feel a little pulse of anger flowing through my veins. I ask Yaps about it, and she shrugs, saying that she was sleepy and couldn't just hold back my emotions any time I wanted her to. I accepted her answer and tried my best to hold it back myself, but it was difficult when I needed to speak with my mate. I took a second to soak in his appearance, took a deep lungful of his scent. My anger successfully quenched for the moment, I looked to my mate for his answer.

"Why do you even care about that?" he snaps at me. Yaps is resting in my mind, and I quickly remind myself to ask her if she wanted to come out later. But I push that thought aside. I take in Zane's tensed form, his gritted teeth. His clenched fists, and the way he stood with his back to the wall. Subconsciously I approved of his instincts—to never put his back to his enemies when he was in a fight. But there was a flaw to his otherwise logical position.

"I'm not your enemy." I tell him. "Yaps loves your wolf. And he doesn't make me angry," My mate rolls his eyes at my confession. One look at his perfect face pushes my anger down again. "Listen, my pack needs us to be mates. Good mates. The quicker you accept me, the quicker I get my emotions," I spell it out for him. "If I have my emotions, my pack's morale will go up, they'll be more open with me, we'll be more unified. We'll be stronger. The longer you draw out the bonding, the longer this takes.

"There's no way you'll be able to accept someone else if you can't even accept yourself. Accept yourself and you can accept me," seeing the look on his face, I say coldly, "And don't say you've accepted yourself. Your wolf is a part of you, whether you like it or not. Personally, I don't see why you hate him so much." A whimper escapes my mouth when Yaps wants to let her displeasure known. I see Zane grimace.

"You want me to accept the wolf inside of me? The... the monster inside of me?!"

"He's no monster." I inform him, cold fury burning in my eyes.

"Oh no? Don't try to fool me!" Zane yelled. His muscles were starting to bulge, and I got to see just how beneficial going to patrol training had been for my mate's physique. "I know all the facts there are to know about people like you! Werewolves!" Zane practically spit the term out. "The second you turn into those beasts you turn into mindless, blood-lusting beasts! Killers! All of you!"

Zane paced across the room, hands running furiously through his dark locks. His voice grew shriller as he kept ranting, eventually spinning on me, redder in the face than I would've thought possible, given his natural tan.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Don't give me any of that!" Zane snapped. "They told me, they told me that you would act all innocent like that!"

Inside of me I feel the heat of my wolf's anger. But we can't get mad. Not when we're at a crucial point in Zane's journey towards loving and accepting us. We just have to educate him.

That's it, my wolf smirks, amused. Educate him. You know how.

My wolf is tired of waiting, I know. Even though we've been talking to the passionate, ever-patient, ever-wonderful Alpha wolf B-G every night, it's not enough. My wolf craves him. She wants to see him, to mark him, to let him know he was wanted and loved.

"You need to be educated," I inform my mate. "You've been fed lies for Goddess knows how long. The kindergarten class goes through control training, and fifth graders go through lycanthrope history lessons. You'll start joining them from tomorrow. You've been deemed safe for the pack." I officiate.

"What?!" Zane roars, angry. I can feel it palpitating through the air. I feel my own blood start to surge in a flurry through my veins. "No way! I'm not doing any of that! I'm a full-grown man!"

Ah. So it's about ego?

"Doesn't matter," I shrug. "This will be good. For you. You don't accept yourself. It's hurting. I can tell. Every time you push him away, you feel like a piece of you is being suppressed. It's like you're gay and forcing yourself to believe you're straight," I try to get him to see. "You're only hurting yourself."

And us, I think silently.

"I don't need those stupid classes! I know everything I need to know!" he's breathing heavily, and a vein on his neck is sticking out. I get an urge from Yaps to go over and lick it. I suppress the urge and say,

"No. You only think you do. It's time for you to know the truth."

Then I walk out of the room, ending the conversation. Maybe, if he learns more about his kind, he won't be so against being one. Maybe...

The human is so annoying, Yaps comments. I feel so bad for you, having to deal with him.

I love him, I tell her. It's no bother. He's making me feel. I'll do anything for him, wait for however much time he needs.

He doesn't seem to like kids much, either, Yaps whines. I sigh as I walk to Howard's room to tell him Zane is officially safe for the pack.

Yeah... I trail off. Every Alpha needs their heir. If Zane doesn't want children, I'll have to know soon so I can start training a worthy pup to succeed me when I die. Alphas don't retire. We die. Even though I know that there's probably a lot of time until then, it's always better to be safe than sorry. Especially since my pack is stronger than most. It's more wanted than most.

Numbers don't matter for packs. Strength and territory does. The more well-trained the members are, the stronger the pack. The more territory you have, the more resources you have, and the more room to train.

Zane probably doesn't know that, though, even though most third graders know that common knowledge. But soon, he will know. And then he'll accept his wolf, and me. At least, that's the plan.


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