Hunter and I stayed behind at the back of the line, talking about the school.
"So, what's the assembly for?" I asked.
"Probably about another break in." Hunter replied.
"Break in?" I said, looking behind me to see if anyone suspicious was listening to us.
"Ok, what is it with you pretending like you have amnesia?" Hunter asked.
"Probably because I do!" I yelled at him. "I swear, I woke up, and knew nothing! Now I'm in this weird school, and you keep thinking that I'm just joking!"
Hunter started talking in a sarcastic voice. "Ohh, ya, suuure. You DEFINITELY lost your-" he stopped, and looked like he was solving a puzzle in his mind. "Memory loss." he said. "We need to tell someone, now."
"So you believe me?" I asked.
"Yes, of course, we just need to get to the assembly. It'll answer some questions." he said, starting to run forward to catch up with the line.
After going through a hallway, past the cafeteria, and out the back door to what looked like a field with a single ball in the center and huge platforms on both sides up in the air, with a huge net behind it.
"Woah, what's with that field?" I asked.
"BP Ball. How do you not remember it, you loved- oh, right, memory loss. Sorry." he replied.
"Wow, I tell you five minutes ago and you already forgot. You sure you didn't lose your memories too?" I said.
"Haha, very funny." Hunter said. "Now we gotta go over to the bleachers before the assembly starts."
We dashed over to the seats and waited for a while, and more started filling in all the empty spots on the bleachers. After about ten minutes of waiting a man in a suit walked up with a microphone, and tapped it and started saying "Testing. Testing. Can you guys here me?"
Almost everyone in the crowd shook their head yes, while others yelled "Yep!"
"Ok, good. Now, as some of you may know there has been a break in again. Last night Jonathan the rogue student broke in. After using our most valuable source, the brain crystal, to protect and hide this school, he has somehow found where this school is, and broke in." he said.
"Who's that?" I whispered to Hunter.
"Principal Intelle." he answered. "He's the one that makes sure the school is running ship shape, and tells us about how people always break in"
"Luckily, no kids are missing today, which means if Jonathan had broken in, he didn't erase the minds of anyone." Principal Intelle said.
"Pfft" I whispered to Hunter. "I doubt that."
"Adam, you got super lucky." he said.
"What do you mean? I lost my memory." I asked confused.
"Jonathan will break in, erase kids memories, then take them captive, and trains them to use their powers for evil. Since the kids don't have any memories, they don't know any better." he said.
"Why doesn't he just erase everyone's minds?" I asked.
"He'll get caught. We have tons of guards around the school, and if he stays long enough he'll get caught. We also can counter his memory erasing with any other power of the mind." Hunter said. "Now shush, we might get some more information from Principal Intelle."
I started to pay more attention to what he was saying, but then a student came running in like lightning (literally, I think he had the mind power of speed). "EVERYONE!!!" he yelled. "GET INTO DEFENSIVE POSITION!!! SOMEONE'S TRYING TO STEAL THE BRAIN CRYSTAL!!!"

(BPA) Brain Power Academy {Memory Loss}
FantasiaAdam Sellett has just woken up in an odd, new school, with tons of people who seem to know him. He's friends with a lot of them, just one problem. He doesn't remember any of them. He doesn't even remember how he got there, who his family is, where h...