We ran out of the school infirmary, and there were kids everywhere. Some were training, others patrolling the buildings and fields, and some even flying around, going in and out windows.
"What are they doing?" I asked.
"They've sent out a search party for Sabrina. After about a day they realized she still has to be in the school to use the brain crystal on the school, so now everyone's looking for her." Luke said.
"With all these kids nobody has found her?" I said.
"Well before she got her memory erased we were all best friends. She was always amazing at camouflage and keeping herself hidden. Once, she even went into a flame of a candle, and shrunk down to the size of the flame as she did it. It was CRAZY, and she hid in there until someone blew out the candle." Hannah said.
"Well we need to find her." I said, turning to Luke and Hannah. "You two knew her the best. Where would she go? Is there any place where she knows she can hide?"
Hannah's eyes lit up. "The tunnels."
"The what?" Luke and I asked at the same time.
"Follow me, and I'll show you." she said, walking towards the school.
We walked pass some guards, down hallways with kids repeatedly checking classrooms, and up stairs to the dorms.
"Wait?" Luke said. "Sabrina has tunnels?"
"Yes, her and I would always sneak down there." Hannah said. "There's an entrance in her room and mine."
"Why?" Luke asked.
"We're the only girls in the group, and you, Hunter, and Adam get pretty annoying sometimes." Hannah started. "We just go there for a mini vacation. Or at least, we used to, before she disappeared a month ago."
We walked into Hannah's room, and it looked exactly like mine, except for a lava lamp on her desk, books scattered on the floor, and a few One Direction posters.
"Right over here." she said, pointing at her dresser.
"Umm, I don't see a tunnel." Luke said.
"Ya, cause I haven't opened it." Hannah replied. Just then, she shrunk down to the size of an ant, ran under the dresser, and a hole opened up on the left side of a wall. Hannah grew back to size and Luke and I stood in shock.
"Hey! That looks like work of my brain power!" Luke said.
"Well ya, why else did you think I needed you to turn that rock invisible?" she said.
"That rock took me two weeks to turn invisible, and you waste it on a tunnel for YOU!" Luke yelled.
"Shush!" I yelled. "Remember, we're still looking for Sabrina. Now, please tell me how that tunnel opened up and how you shrunk?"
"Oh" Hannah said. "So, I have the brain power of shrinking and growing, and Luke has the brain power of invisibility. I asked Luke to turn a rock invisible, then asked Doctor Einstein to turn it into a wall that can blend into its surroundings instead of turn invisible. Now, come on, Sabrina might be in the tunnels."
We walked in, and it was pitch black. We took a couple steps, then fell through a pit in the floor, and fell down into what looked like a complete black void.

(BPA) Brain Power Academy {Memory Loss}
FantasyAdam Sellett has just woken up in an odd, new school, with tons of people who seem to know him. He's friends with a lot of them, just one problem. He doesn't remember any of them. He doesn't even remember how he got there, who his family is, where h...