Chapter 9: On The News

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I had finally lost all the other BPA students. It took me three hours of flying, hiding, running, and hiding again, but I finally run into a construction site, and hid inside of a bulldozer. About 50 kids flew past the construction sight right after. I waited in their for about five minutes, until some guy climbed onto the bulldozer, and started yelling at me to get out of the site.

I walked around the city. I had been flying for so long, that I didn't even remember where I was. I walked around, and found a sign on that read "Welcome to Syracuse, NY". I ran into a small alley, and sat down. I was exhausted. I was super happy that my brain power involved flying, or I would've been caught hours ago. Still, flying is much harder than it looks, and I was tired. 

"I should check my pockets" I thought, just realizing that I hadn't checked what was in my pockets the whole day. I pulled out a pack of mint gum. I threw four in my mouth. I was starving. I also pulled out a slip of paper. It was a BPA card with the words "Your Mind has More Potential Than You Think". I grabbed the remains of what was left in my pockets. I found a 20 dollar bill, and a photo booth slip. I stared at it. 

"Wow," I thought, looking at the paper. "So Sabrina was one of my friends. Odd, considering she almost killed me and Hunter." The photo booth slip showed Sabrina, Hunter, Luke, Hannah, and I, in the photo booth goofing off. I looked through them, and I laughed. We were the goofiest group of friends ever.

I could've stared at that picture slip forever, but then I heard my stomach grumble. I had realized that I hadn't eaten all day. I walked out of the alley, and put everything that I had pulled out back in my pocket. I started walking down the sidewalk, with people shoving me to get past. I kept waling, barely getting through the crowds, and finally reached a restaurant. 

'Papa Paul's Pizza Place' the sign read on it. I looked in the windows. A big flashy light read 'OPEN' and a small sign next to that read "Pizza and Drink for Only $15 --- Free Refills". That sounded like an amazing deal. I walked in, and headed up to order my meal.

"Hello!" he said. "Welcome to Papa Paul's Pizza Place, what would you like?"

"Um, hi, I'll take a cheese pizza, with a Dr. Pepper." I said.

"That'll be-" he stopped. "Wait a second, is that you?" he pointed up at a T.V. screen. The News was on, and it showed me, flying around through town.

It then showed that little kid. The little kid in the apartment. 

"So," the news reporter started to talk to the little kid. "You saw this superhero?"

"Yes, his name is Thunderstorm. He's my new favowite sooparhero. He flew into my apawtment and was running from these bad guys." he said.

I tried to convince Paul that I wasn't Thunderstorm, and say that it was someone else, but then some guy stood up in the restaurant, and pointed at me.

"That is him!" he yelled. "Everyone! The superhero's here!"

Everyone in the restaurant started running towards me. I grabbed my 20 dollar bill and hurried out of the restaurant. I tried to start flying, but people were pulling me down. Everyone had questions. News vans started coming, and people came out of their cars, all saying stuff like "Thunderstorm!" and "Are you a real superhero?!?"

I thought I was never getting away from them, but then a cab came up. A man opened the door and yelled "Get in!"

I knew this was my only chance to get away from the crowd. I shoved a ton of people, and jumped over a little kid, and finally got in the cab. I slammed the door shut, and we drove off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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