Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

August 16th 2015

Well, today I was supposed to be hosting a lemonade stand with my best friend Aisha but that didn't work out. It wasn't just going to be lemonade though. It was going tone snow cones and lemonade and whatever else you could make out of those two things. Maybe flavored lemonade? Ooh or frozen lemonade! we could do slushy's too! but now we can't because I've been grounded?... or something like that... anyway my mom said no projects. which means I'm not allowed to make signs or anything that includes cutting or gluing (my mothers words, not mine) but whatever at least I'm still allowed to have come hang out at my house for a little while. Yay.

Now, let me tell you a bit about myself. I moved to Seattle in hopes of living here for a while and finding some new friends. We moved here from doha Qatar (thats in the middle east near Dubai and saudi Arabia) it's so much different there than it is here in Seattle. I mean in the summer you see all these girls walking around in tank tops and there butts falling out of their shorts. In Doha you wouldn't be caught dead in short shorts, minnie skirts or short dresses , etc. basically there was a law against looking sexy. most people including me lived in compounds ( apartment buildings and villas (houses) surrounded by a large and tall wall, watched by security guards from 6am to 9pm) me and my friends became so close. it was nice having your best friends just around the block. me and her used to go around the compound on our bikes, scooters and rollerblades. when not on those wed walk but try our best to catch one of the security guards doing their rounds on the golf carts. my friends would sit in the back of the golf cart where there was a handle that i could hold on to with my roller blades. id hang on to it while we drove and trail behind. me and my friends would spend all our pocket money at the mini indian Walmart and buy knockoff candy and go to the huge pool next to the club house. the club house was nice. it was filled with windows and here was a large chandelier that hung over the two parallel, curved, marble, stairs. it was elegant. i could fill at least five more pages talking about my experiences in Doha but wont, at least not now.

After living in Doha we moved to Seattle. It was beautiful but last summer must have been the most boring summer ever. Because of rain and cold whether I didn't get to go outside very much. I was bored out of my mind due to lack of friends. I think that that was the first summer ever that I had wished that school would start early. when school finally did start I made some friends. on the first day I didn't make any friends but I think that was because I decided to dress completely in black and my friends finally confessed that they where scared to to say hi or anything because I didn't look very approachable (they thought I was a creepy goth girl). on the second day I wore normal clothes and I guess I looked much more approachable because that day I met Katerina Ivanova and Emily or Elizabeth (they are identical twins). I said to Katerina that I had a feeling that we would become great friends. we all hung out together with a some other girls for a few months. they were my friends, my group, my clique. they were, at least until I decided that we didn't quite click anymore. about less than a month later I found a new clique that consumed of me and Aisha Sabido and Briann Hardini. we lasted for almost the rest of the school year until around the end of april when everything began to fall apart. my best friend became my worst enemy she tried to embarrass me in front of others and make rude comments behind my back. TBH our friendship should've ended sooner due to lying and backstabbing. Its hard for me to believe that we were ever great friends. the worst part is that she knew all my secrets...she used to write me little notes. she trusted me with most of her secrets and I trusted her with mine. now i know i shouldn't have because she started spreading them. she gave out the password to my digital diary and after that all the boys in my class knew my secrets too, they knew who my crush was and other things i didn't want people to know. she made jokes about me and made me feel like i was pathetic. what kind of best friend does that? finally the drama settled down during the last two weeks of school and I finally got to relax.

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