Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

August 15th 2015

Its been Quite a while since i've written in here... due to the fact that i thought i'd deleted this file by mistake. :D . We have a lot to catch up on!
here are some bullet points ill explain in a minute or two or in the next few chapters (depending on how fast you read)

•lost a friend
•moved to a new house
•went to LA
•saw Taylor swift in concert

First things first, I lost a friend a few months ago... it was really a shame. her name was Briann Hardini. We called each other besties and did almost everything together but sooner or later I guess I was bound to find out that our entire friendship had been heavily seasoned with lies and manipulation, slowly discovering that someone had been leaking out my secrets one by one and then denying everything when accused of anything or asked about it. When we finally decided we didn't click anymore she started spreading more rumors and being plane mean to my face. She started asking me who my friends where just so that she could then say things like "oh, she never said you where friends." And I would just ask " since when does every new friendship have to run past you first?" When the teachers told her to stay away from me she would send one of her friends over to tell me things that weren't awesome to hear. I used to sit in this one desk that had a small cubby hole under the surface. I was doodling in class and then I got moved to a new seat a month of two later. I ended up leaving some drawings and crumpled up papers under the desk when I left (by mistake). During class when I was working she came over and put a drawing that i'd drawn for her on my desk. I put it in my school bag, then she came over and put a pile of old drawings and crumpled up papers on my desk. The first time I just threw it all away but the third time I just got mad. I stood up and went to the front of her desk and said " come on seriously? This goes in the trash not on my desk!" I heard a voice from behind my say " it goes in the recycle bin." Everyone started laughing at me and I was so embarrass to the point where I had to leave the class room. When I returned with dry eyes .Some kid leaned over and rudely reminded me that paper goes in the recycle bin. I heard some quite snickers and people whispering. I looked over at her and saw that she was the one whispering... so much for for a best friend...

NEXT: lets lighten up the mood a little bit after that last bit. so... i moved...
to this new house with big windows and stuff. so yeah. i'm done. next. just kidding, i have way more to say about the house than that! its in the new neighborhood that feels like its in the middle of the forest when truthfully its in the city (of Redmond, Seattle). in the backyard theres a tree house that me and my dad need to rebuild and theres a tree that we plan on putting a swing up on. I'm also planning on building a bunk bed with my dad. I think this house will work out well.

Over this summer i went to LA to visit my best friend since kindergarden back in London where i used to live. i went to the german school with her until third grade. Since then we'd always planned on seeing each other again. Her dad and his girlfriend spoke to my dad about flying me out to LA on monday the 10th of august. she had no idea that i was flying out to meet them. her dad, his girlfriend and her brother got in a day before me. i got in about 3hours before her and when she got in we surprised her. the first night we went to Santa Monica pier which is is at the end of route66. on the second day we did some touristy things and then went to a picnic on the beach with some of their family friends.

Last but so not least, i went to a Taylor Swift concert! it was amazing. it was at century link field. They gave each of the 60,000 people there these wrist bands and they had signals that made all the bands light up at the same time or in a certain way to make everything look awesome.

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