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Usually it's only on Saturdays classes students have an relief from their daily uniforms.. As usual,their were classes at 5.30pm. Nithya was so very happy that Varun n herself have become friends. Not merely frnds ,yet a half way through :B She dressed up in a way that she should look perfect. Usually girls are very much peachy about their looks and their outfit naa :P.... !!!!

Nithya was well dressed,in her bright yellow kurtha and blue jean..!! She turned to her left n right, her eyes rotating to all the directions searching for Varun.

Moment she entered the class, " wat was that Nithya, you seem to look pretty?? Is it your birthday " - queried her sir with those doubted looks ....

Ooppss !!! "Well sir, it is'nt !!!! It's Saturday Eve sir !!!! " she said with those blushes. As she sat next to her sir, she was staring at the doorstep....! As if she was waiting for her Prince....!!!! Not jus Prince ,varun was all those shining diamonds in her life !!
" I guess none has come yet, let's go out and return later..!" whispered someone.... Nithya rushed up to d corridor..!!!!

•••• There stood Varun with white casuals being half tucked in,folded sleeves,blue jean and those flat slippers 😍!! It was one of a kind with an innocent smile </3 ••••∆

Varun n Nithya stood up ,gliming at each other for minutes..their eyes awwww!!! Sme bond was in-between ,that they did't knew wat they were doing!!!  Together,They were soo much adorable  ..!!

Is this what is called infatuation ???? - both wondered....
Most of all .... !!!! Tat was an breath taking moment 😍

Those piercing looks of varun !!!! Manhh:-* !!!! Nithya could't figure out his looks !!! "Indeed it's kinda romantic :-* "she murmured it to herself.... And she loved the way Varun looked up into her eyes !!!!

••••√ White shirt,folded sleeves,wrist watches,veins,beard,body are usually every girls weakness... ;) Right ???? So do nithya :) √••••

It was in the maths class, Varun was just behind nithya. And moreover Varun makes sure that he sits exactly behind her with no specific reasons. This was the matter that made other mates to thnk that they were in a relationship.... BT for heaven sake they were'nt ..!!!!

After becoming friends,nithya had a total change..! She never spoke during the classes,stopped grinding up food and she was that much quite....! Everyone wondered what was wrong with this girly ?? :(

" That's strange, you are too very silent today nithya !!!! Is there any problem in your mouth ???? Let me get you smethng to eat ? Can I ?" Varun asked.....

  " Trying to kid ? Well, no thank-you !!!! N I could't laugh,may Be tomorrow varun !!! i would laugh for ur silly joke " said nithya giving a silent smile...

When the classes were about to get over,nithya turned back to Varun.. Both looking up into each other's eye  👉" Today you actually look damn cute  Varun !!!! I like that :-*!! "- she said !!!!
Well thank you for the compliments - replied him with those funky smile....!!!!

It was nearly seven - eight months that has passed , and they neva had their contact numbers.... !!!! It was the end of their 10th coaching classes....!!!! A fullstop to craziness and naughtiness ....!

It was only those looks that conveyed  messages.... Their eyes that spoke instead of their lips ,and their were soo much love and care that remained unsaid.... They neva wanted to miss eachother ,but the fact that they are going to be separated should be accepted....!!!! ;(

With all those slam books,autographs and best wishes from fellow mates ,the exam pressure started....  An year finally passed away with those tears....!!!!! Board exams are of great stress....

Nithya not having Varun's contact ,was not able to know how he has attended his exams..... She was pestering her tuition sir ,about Varun... Varun not getting to knew all these feelings of nithya ,enjoyed to the most.....!!!!!  :'(

°° The thoughts of their eyes that spoke billion words was so much adorable !!!!! That they wanted their friendship to be continued 😿 !! °°

This story is not something that is being imagined !!!! This is a real stry that happened in ma life....maself believing •FRIENDSHIP• is the only medicine for ma every problems ,I jus wanted ma FRIENDSHIP to  b continued for decades..... •neva do I leave ma FRIENDSHIP for the sake of some other ppl around • ....

Pls support .... I jus wanted to put ma story into simple words so that many cld go through ma cover....not being complicated !! This would be totally for him

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