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It was yet another eve for Varun n nithya ...... It was their chemistry classes..... It was nearly 7.30 .....!!

In the next 10mins, there will be a weekly test - said their sir...... !!!!

Oooo goooshhh..... Wat d hell was this to B dealed with !!!!

Was't tat a hectic time..... Indeed chemistry, al those reactions and formulas and ol chemical equations ..... Tallying those was the tuffest of oll ....

Not to B mentioned ,Varun he was very good at chemistry .....and he was there siting back wth his friends....!!

Bt den d poor little fellow nithya, for god's sake, dealing up with chemistry was one big thing fr her !!!!
Fyn !!!! Let me do this nithya thought ...

Bt there was a twist😐 wat was that for...... People thought !!!!!!
It was like they hav a pick up a lot n dey hav to mingle up.....

Boys n girls together !! Dumpass idea😡

Later, the test started..... Nithya received her question paper, gave a glimpse to it n had a silent smile..... She does't know evn a single answer n the same dealed with her friends.... She was der sitting ,luking onto her friends faces n giggling.... :-p

After a while she handed over her papers, pulled her bag n run out to d corridor..... Her friends were there still managing to fill up d smething on d paper.....

" Look at those stars !!!! They are fab in the black background😍 they are shimming !! " she murmured.....

" Yeahh dey doo.....jus like ur eyes tat are craved with a black kajal " someone said frm behind....

We're was tat voice from ????? She turned......

Varun !!!!! 🙄 Why you here ???? Ain't you writing ur test !!!!!

I wish I could den, I think ma friend needs a company !!!! She's alone n wat could she do when a ghost arives ???? sooo I jus came off..... To accompany you 😍.....

Aaaaaaah !!!!! Safeguarding ur friend !!!! Sounds chweet......

Hooo realy !!!! So can we go fr a walk ?????

A walk ???? A walk on the varenda ?? Silly.....

Naaahhh !!!!! Let's go out.... 20mins ? Shall v ..... Varun asked.....

Biting her nails..... A walk with tat person who hates me.... Promise me you won't push me into d garbage ??

Howw funny......!!!! I will wait down ..... !!!! Else v would B caught by our Hitler....... Varun said n left the floor....

Nithya ran inside , popped through the windows ,gave signals to call her friend, n said " wait fr me okie.... A walk with Varun.... Ll return in 20mins.... So wait, else I ll kick ew...." Gave a flying kiss n ran down.....

Varun stood at the corner of the road...

They did't know wat as to be said..... It was indeed a dream land !!!!

A walk with complete silence....!!!!

Araaayyyhhhh..... Talk something ! Nithya said....

Varun stoped for a second , looked at nithya....!!!!

What was this look for ??? A romantic one ????? She asked..

He came a bit closer, holded Nithya's hands.....there Ain't a gap between them....

Though nithya had butterflies in her stomach ,she did't react fr any.....!!!!

" Won't yu B by my side always nithya ?? ".....

She smiled.....

Do you love someone he asked ????

Naaaah.....naaahhh love .... Only fool fall for love !!!! Yu know em not a fool:D... N yew ???? Hw many girlfriends do yu have ????

He gav a look....a look tat could Peirce ..... Even em not a fool ....

Seriously..... Neva lie, yu can give an opn talk.... Nithya pestered....!!!!!

Bt then he .... Gave only those tiny cute little smiles.....

Those smiles are enuf for nithya to forget her ownself.....!!!!!

Promise me that yu will neva love any other guy..... I don't want yu to fall in love for any other guy .....

What.......???? What r yu trying to mean Varun ???? She asked ....

Listen.....nithya I knew yu r kid by heart...!!!! N mre than tat I knew wo boys r ..... Varun said silently.....

Soooo ......???? Wats d logic behind..... Yu dnt want me to fall fr a guy???? 😂
Yew r burning Varun.... She said in a indirect way .....

Will yu promise me or not ????? Jus a word ..... With his face turning red.....!!!!

Fyn.....!!!! Em nt gonna fall in love fr anyone else.....!!! I swear ma Romeo❤..... Happieee ???? N d matr is "I don't know to luv anyone more than how I luved yu .....!!!! ".....
•• I love you to d square of infinity ••

Varun being overwhelmed by her words, came a bit closer, holded her arms tight n much mre tighter, gave her a chocolate n he said •° I LUV YOU NITHYA °• ......

Baby .....💝 compliments !!!! D choco, Much mre sweeter than yew .....
#Romeo n Juliet for eva she said......

Dey were like a couple walking down d shimming light..... Woooaaahhh !!!!!
Those giggles, those looks, those crapy talks,indirect way of meaning • I hav fallen for Yew • n much n much of tiny tiny happiness.. Microhapines💙


•••• Like those stars✨ that brightened up d sky🎆 , their promise made their life shine🎈 .....!!!! Dey believed ,believed in what they love....🎀


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