Chapter 28

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Lunch time came around pretty quickly. I looked for Marcel in the cafeteria, but he wasn't there. I looked outside and there I saw Marcel, sitting under a shady tree. He seemed like he was looking at someone. I looked to his direction and found that he was looking at Ashley and Liam giggling and laughing. 

I walked over to Marcel. "Are you ok?" I asked sitting down beside him. "Yeah... I'm fine.." He replied. I didn't believe him so I just had a face unbelieving him. "You're not fine. Something's bothering you, now spill. I'm here for you Marcel." I said trying to comfort him. He sighed.

****Marcel's POV****

It's nice how Taylor's trying to make me spill the beans on the thing that's bothering me. I sighed. "Fine. I'm just really upset because my best friend. My girlfriend. I mean.. Ex girlfriend broke up with me." 

She sat there with a shocked look on her face. "What! Why!? Doesn't she love you?" Taylor yelled. People started staring at Taylor. "Calm down... It's my fault. I almost punched Liam because he like likes Ashley..." I said looking over towards Ashley and Liam. "Oh... You better win her back then." Taylor said.

I thought about what she said.. "Hmm...? Maybe I'll try.. Thanks Taylor." I said giving her a hug.

****Taylor's POV****

Marcel just hugged me.. He just hugged me! "No problem, Marcel." I have a plan for him to like like me. I know i'm trying to get him and Ashley back together but this time, I want him to like like me because of my attitude. I'm gonna be all helpful and nice to him even more then I am to other people. That'll show him that I'm a kind, loving, singing, nerdy, girl. 

"I'm gonna go up to Ashley right now, and ask for her forgiveness." said Marcel. "Ok, good luck Marcel!" I cheered him on. 

****Liam's POV****

I'm kinda glad that me and Ashley are hanging out. I actually might get enough confidence to ask her out. "Ashley.." I said. "Yeah, Liam?" She asked looking into my eyes. Those big brown eyes made my heart stop. (Not really) "I.. Uh.. I... Nevermind." I said chickening out. She raised her right eyebrow.. "Right.........." 

Marcel went up to us then I suddenly said "What do you want, Marcel." 

"I want to say sorry. I'm really sorry Liam, Ashley. I don't know what happened to me. I really wasn't myself that time." Marcel said. I looked at Ashley. "Just go, Marcel. I don't want any part of you near me.." 

Ouch.. That's gotta hurt. Ashley doesn't wanna be near him anymore. Ouch... Ashley ran off.

****Ashley's POV****

I ran off crying before I cried in front of Marcel. Oh how I loved Marcel so much. Why did he just have to do it? Why! i sat down in a corner. I had my arms on my knee, and my head on my arms.. crying. "Ashley?" a familiar voice said. "Who's there?" I asked putting my head up with tears runnind down my face. It was Janna. "Ashley! Are you ok?" She asked. "No, I'm not. I'm just.. I'm just.. Heart broken!" I said bursting out into tears." She patted my back.

"Ashley. Explain everything to me, I won't tell anyone." She said.

"Well.. I found out that Liam like likes me last night then Marcel got all hulk-y then almost punched him. Since Marcel almost punched an innocent person, I had to.. I had to.. I had to..." I said not being able to finish of the sentence.

"Break up with him?" said Janna finishing off my sentence. She nodded her head in understandment. "Get up. Ashley, you'll get over him. Like I did." Janna said. I wiped my tears. "Really?" 

"Yes. You will. You will get over Marcel."

"Thanks, Janna. You're a great friend." I said while hugging her. I walked outside again with Janna beside me. "Ashley! I think I have enough confidence to ask you a very important question." Liam said running up to me. Marcel was behind him. "What is it Liam?" I asked trying not to tear up as every time I look at Marcel.

"Would you be my girlfriend?" Liam asked. 

I stood there. Shocked. No words to say. He stood there looking like he was thinking I was gonna say no. "Yes, Liam. I'll be your girlfriend........" I said. "Great!" He replied. He kissed me on the cheek. "Luv ya" He said a bit quietly. I kinda smiled. I said "I luv ya too." But I said it quietly.

****Marcel's POV****

I felt like I was about to cry. I tried to man up, so I won't look weak to her. But, Why would she go with Liam. Doesn't she still love me? Probably not.. "I'm... happy for you...two.." I said walking away. I went to the boys washroom then saw Bruce and his gang.

I was crying then the boys laughed. "Haha! Look at this. Little Marcy Marcy is crying!!" said Bruce. "wa wa wa" continued on Wayne. "Listen! I am not in the happiest mood today! My greatest love, ya know her? Ashley! Broke up with me for something stupid I did. I regret everything I did! Just leave me alone!" I said pushing Bruce.

Bruce looked at me then his gang. There was only one meaning to that. They wanted to hit me. I went inside a stall as quick as I can. "Please lord, please let me live through this." I prayed. I heard laughter outside of the stall. 

"Listen, come out here little Marcy, and we won't you hit you super hard. Just only hard. NOT super." said Bruce laughing. "No matter what, you can't get me!" I said. OOPS! I should've not said that. His gang kicked the stall door open. Now I was REALLY scared. "This won't take too long..."


I felt unconsious. I felt hurt. I stood up from the floor then found I was the only one in the washroom. I looked over at my arm and saw bruises. I saw bruises, and cuts everywhere in my body. I walked out limping. Ashley spotted me.

She usually would come running up to me and asking if I was ok, but this time, she jsut kept walking and pretended I wasn't even there. "Marcel! Are you ok!" asked a girl behind me. I turned around. "Taylor?" 

"Marcel! You're hurt! You need to go to the nurse's office!" she said. 


I woke up lying down on the nurse's bed. I sat up. Damn! It hurt like hell! "Ow. Ow. OW!" I yelled as I was attempting to get up.

----Author's Note; Oh my gosh! Is ashley really that mad at Marcel!? Omg... I hope Marcel is ok. Well, we'll find out later on ;) Next chapter is soon. I promise.


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