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Her thick black hair whipped at the sudden movement. Anna trained her eyes forward and began walking, pressing her hand so hard into her skin she felt as if she not only stifled the blood flow, but she also stopped the circulation all together.

It was pretty easy to get fooled by it. That grip on her arm was vice-like but Anna didn't let up. If she released it now, it would only start bleeding again. And she didn't really feel like leaving her DNA all over this pristine white floor. Seems almost disrespectful if you asked her.

Still, how Mina managed to sink her nails in so far without her realizing the damage she was causing still baffled her. Anna was no stranger to cuts or bruises. In fact, her skin was layered with it, fine white scars decorating all over her body. One was even fat and puffy from bad healing but that laid across her lower back, out of sight. No doubt if any of these preppy schoolgirls saw such a scar they would probably label her some nutty gang member. Although, the analogy wasn't that far off.

The hallways were quickly clearing. Anna watched as the remaining students scurried about, trying to get to their classes before they were too late. She walked casually by them all. Besides, what was the rush? It wasn't as if she would die from blood loss if she didn't get to the nurse now. She could bet the cuts were even clotting themselves this very moment. The only reason she was even going to the nurse in the first place is to clean out whatever infection could have gotten in the cut from Mina's nails.

Anna came to the very end of the hallway but she stopped before turning. The nurse's office was not far from here, just a few doors down. It wouldn't be going anywhere. For now, she was too enraptured in the sight that had captured her eyes, staring through the large glass windows that dominated the left side of the hallway.

It suddenly hit her how secluded they were, this school. It was huge, it was beautiful, and it was expensively furnished. And she was pretty sure the socks on the standard uniform she wore cost more than her whole apartment. A bit of an exaggeration but the point was still made. The people here were impossibly rich, and for some reason, that made them even more closed off from the world outside them.

Maybe that was why they had so much land spanned out around them. To make physical the distance between themselves and the average citizen. Anna huffed a small laugh at the thought. She didn't blame them. In fact, she would have done the same thing too if she were impossibly rich and surrounded by a world that was not. But her? Rich? That made her laugh even more.

Money was never a big aspect for her. When she lived at HQ she never really cared about money, knowing that all her basic needs were already being taken care of and she didn't care to buy anything else. Now that she was on her own, she needed money, to survive, and although she may not be rich like these people, she had a decent amount to last a few years without any job. Thomas paid her generously. He even offered to raise her pay once but, at that time, she turned it down, so eager was she to get the hell away from him. He had been extra weird that day.

Long story short, she may not be rich but she was well off. And would continue to be if she kept this job. Anna suppressed a sigh, still staring out the window, before she turned in the direction of the nurse. The first thing she saw were black heels. They were simple, not too fancy, and covering the same standard white socks but the fact that it was black heels made Anna's eyes travel slowly upwards in surprise.

Everything else was the same. Same pleated skirt, same white shirt, same blue and burgundy blazer, and the same striped tie. Everything else was just the same except for those black heels. Anna's eyes slowly came to rest on the black heel wearing blockade in her path.

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