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"So, when my mother told me that I had to come here, I was like 'No way!' and she was like 'Way!". And I had to admit I didn't really like this school at first but then, I realized, what's not to like? Am I right?"

Mina nudged Anna in the shoulder, who had been doing very well blocking her out. Anna blinked and looked at the preppy girl. "I didn't hear a word you said," she said honestly, looking away.

"Of course you didn't." For some strange reason, Mina didn't sound annoyed. She just took a deep breath and Anna felt the hair on her skin rise in trepidation, knowing full well her pigtailed roommate was going to begin again. "I was saying..."

Anna couldn't take it anymore. She thought she could bear it, block it out, tune into the professional side of herself that was only on this tour around the school for the sake of the mission. But with each moment that passed, and with each word that fell out of Mina's mouth, she felt her resolve slip away. Even as the girl rushed into another detailed explanation about her feelings, and such, Anna had to keep herself from kicking her down the stairs they now ascended, just to shut her up.

She held her foot in check. "How about you actually tell me about the school?" she suggested. Really, she did need to know about school, escape routes, ways in and such.

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't even notice my mouth had drifted off like that." Somehow, Anna doubted that. This girl was a blabbermouth – the worst case of them all – and she knew it too. Not for one second was Anna fooled into thinking Mina didn't jump into another story with both feet and a mind hell bent on landing safely. No, Anna knew she was aware, just as she much as she was unaware that Anna knew she knew.

If it was one thing Anna knew how to do, it was keeping her thoughts to herself. And that meant, a normal, okay expression. Not too expressionless as that would only give off suspicion. Someone might think she had something to hide and that, she knew, never played out well. Still, she made sure she didn't give away too much either, even if what she was 'giving away' was false. That would raise suspicion too, although that might only be in the most observant of people. Though, Anna knew there was more of them lurking out there than others cared to believe.

So, she did the same now, cloaking her face in an average expression, giving off just the right amount of interest as Mina finally pointed out the sights and locations around her. She even nodded along, taking everything in and storing it in her mental library. Mina jabbered on ceaseless, pointing to the different classrooms, offices, and clubrooms as they went down the hallways. It was a slow process. She felt the need to give her a detailed explanation of the life of every student that passed them too, but Anna waited patiently each time for her to finish her descriptions and move on.

She was good at this game. Pretending until even she herself felt a part of the world she was in, up until she remembered who she was and why she was here.

"And that girl," Mina plowed on, shifting her body around to point shamelessly on a nondescript girl that walked by. The girl saw her pointing, even heard when Mina addressed her as 'that girl', and ducked her head before quickly scurrying out of Mina's line of vision.

Anna felt a sliver of pity course through her. The poor girl. Mina's obvious display probably made her feel self-conscious and talked about. Anna knew that wasn't a nice feeling. She may not have felt that herself, but she wasn't oblivious to normal, human feelings. "That girl is daughter of this bigshot oil tycoon. She has big bucks, I'll tell you that."

"That's wonderful to know," Anna murmured a bit absentmindedly. She didn't really care at all where that girl got her money. But, she was a bit curious where the talkative girl walking beside her got hers. "And you? You're the daughter of an oil tycoon too?"

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