Twenty Six

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Annabelle Ferguson, the lusting bastard princess fully enjoying the date with the guy she was beginning to really like disappeared instantly. Annabelle, NPA assassin, tasked to protect the boy whoese father was once France's Prime Minister, and who held the fate of America – she believed – in his hands was back. And with a vengeance.

Anna was pissed. The cloud of pure bliss that hovered over her head dissipated as soon as she spotted the man tailing them, and a wave of slow anger came upon her until it was all she could do not to hiss after Dan and Mina when they strolled up to them, holding hands and smiling as if the world was theirs to keep. Envy blackened her anger and she sank into the darkness of the shadows, watching from the sideline as they conversed with smiles and asked if everyone was ready to go. All of them were oblivious to Anna's rage so no one paid her any mind. Instead, they all piled into the car, reclaiming their previous seats.

Jessi was still smiling when he got in. The engine purred to life under his gentle touch and, for a moment, he sighed in contentment, running his hands over the steering wheel before looking over at Anna. Anna knew he was looking at her, but she pretended to be caught up in what was happening outside to catch him looking. She just waited him out, allowed him his time to stare at her for a few seconds before pulling out of the parking lot and joining the steady traffic on the main road. Her heart settled when his gaze was averted.

As soon as he looked away, Anna's mind went into overdrive. Instantly, a plan was mapped out in her head.

"So," Mina began, leaning forward to stick her head between the two front seats, "how was your nights, guys?"

Anna didn't answer. She made Jessi take care of that. "Fishing for info?" he joked, glancing up at her through the rear view mirror.

Mina rolled her eyes. "I'm just curious to know if you guys had as much fun as we did."

"I don't think that's possible, Mina," Dan came in from behind her. She turned and grinned at him, and he her. Now it was Jessi's turn to roll his eyes.

"You guys make me sick."

"Don't hold back on me, dude," Dan said. "I can see it in your eyes. Something happened tonight."

"I don't kiss and tell."

Anna almost choked at the word 'kiss'. She jerked, and Mina caught the slight movement. Instantly, Anna's entire body grew red as she watched, side-eyed, Mina's look grow devious. "You don't kiss and tell, do you?" she taunted, eyes darting back and forth. Anna. Jessi. Anna. Jessi. "Fitting."

"Let's move on," Jessi said quickly. He was laughing, but Anna knew better. He wanted to keep the night special between just them two, as much as she did. Although it might be for different reasons. "Mina, are you visiting your folks for the school break?"

"Nah," she replied. "I was thinking of staying with Dan and his family for the break. So they could get to know me and stuff."

"You sure you can handle Dan's three older brothers breathing down your neck?"

"Hey!" Dan jumped in. "They just get overexcited."

"And his mother will definitely want you to help out with dinner."

"Mina actually likes cooking!"

"And Dan'll probably try to sneak into your room when everyone's asleep."

"She won't mind."

Everyone laughed. Anna remained rooted in her silence, staring out the window. The conversation swirled around her, but she paid attention to none of it. Her plan was rewriting itself, fixing the bugs, canceling out the errors until it was foolproof. By the time Jessi dropped Dan and Mina off at Dan's house, it still wasn't perfect.

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