6. Walking home

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It was weird. Having a fan. This boy could pick out Jungkook's art anywhere. Even if it was an exact replica that someone else had painted, he could still tell that it wasn't his doing. He explained this to him on their way back to the exhibit hall. He told Jungkook how each of his paintings or drawings made him feel something completely different every time. It was almost like having his own person who only complimented him when he needed it.

After bringing Jungkook back to the display, Taehyung went to go look at the other art. Though he assured him that he'd be back.

Jungkook was genuinely happy that Taehyung forced him back out here though. There were a lot more people now and even though some walked past without acknowledging him and his paintings, there were others who awed at them and asked questions about his process and were actually interested.

The black cloud wasn't heavy with a potential downpour anymore. It was a bit lighter and thinning out. Happiness had found him again for a little while.

After only seeing support from people on the Internet, he'd had some strange empty feeling, so when an art gallery in New York sent him an email, asking him to work with them, he took the opportunity and moved. He got the money from selling his paintings, and signing a contract with the gallery. Though, because of his severe anxiety, he was terrified of ever going within just a few blocks from his home. The farthest he'd gone was to the laundromat, but he takes an uber there. It was the next best thing to walking. Plus there were less people.

Taehyung returned to Jungkooks display about 2 hours later after he had gotten lunch and finished looking at other exhibits. There was only 10 minuets until the showcase ended and people were starting to trickle out of the hall and strolled through the rest of the gallery to see much more famous art than what was in this room.

Jungkook began putting his merchandise back into the designated boxes but Taehyung quickly interrupted.

"Do you mind if I buy one of these notebooks really quick?" He asked, picking up one of the pastel colored books, "I used up the rest of the pages in this one today."

Jungkook smiled and nodded, watching as Taehyung flipped through the clean, white pages. Then he took the rest in two handfuls and set them gently in a box, followed by the postcards, stationary, and prints. He tried to lift the box onto the table but his frail arms were far too weak and he strained to lift it just and inch.
"Here, let me help," Taehyung said, placing a hand on Jungkook's back to let him know he was behind him. Jungkook stood back to watch the older effortlessly lift the box and place it onto the table and he blushed from how strong he was.
"Th-thanks," Jungkook said with wide doe eyes. Taehyung just smiled.

His grin was absolutely amazing. Jungkook loved the way it was oddly geometric. His cheeks became round and his teeth fit inside the square frame perfectly. That smile was so beautiful, it gave him a sudden burst of inspiration.

"It was really nice to meet you, Taehyung," Jungkook said brightly, but not loudly, as he stuffed his bag with his scrapbook once again. He saw Taehyung's smile again and his heart jumped. It was so pretty.

"Oh, you too! Your art is just so amazing," Taehyung replied.
This made Jungkook blush.

"I'd really love to stay and talk some more," he started, "but I have to walk home now."

This was a half lie. He didn't have to walk home. He wanted to. Though the place was more empty, there were still people around. And the showcase was over so he was just a normal person now. A normal person that New Yorkers would chew up and spit out at any little specific mistake. He wanted to be home as soon as possible. But he also really did want to stay with Taehyung.

"You can walk here? Where do you live?" Taehyung asked.

"In the red building about 2 blocks away. It's not far."

"No way," Taehyung excitedly exclaimed, "I pass that place on my way home."

Jungkook smiled and relaxed know he could talk to Taehyung a little longer. He loved being with a person who was blinded to all of his flaws by a false infatuation of who he really is.

"Well... You wanna walk me home?" He asked jokingly with raised eyebrows making the taller boy laugh which only made his smile bigger and more shapely.

"Sure," he simply replied through his perfect features.

Jungkook was the nicest person Taehyung had met since being in New York. Which is saying a lot considering he's been living here for 2 years and had quite a few friends. But it was true. Maybe it was because this part of the city wasn't as crowded and he hasn't been out much to see all of the disgusting rudeness that infected the majority of Manhattan. He was so innocent and polite and sweet and just everything that Taehyung hoped he'd be, just... Cleaner. Not to mention he was insanely attractive. He knew that Jungkook was gay. He had Come out to his tumblr followers a few months ago. And although being gay as well, Taehyung didn't really see that connection with him. Right now he was just a fan who got to meet his idol... And got to walk home with him.

The two boys walked out of the gallery together and headed toward the tall red building that was just barely in sight behind the dozens of other sky scrapers around the area. Taehyung kept flipping through the new notebook that showed a Jeon Jungkook original on the front. The pages were lined with blue instead of black, just like he preferred. It was officially his favorite notebook out of the 3 he now owned.

"You really like it?" Jungkook asked, referring to the book. Taehyung nodded aggressively out of happiness.

"Your style is just so... Pleasing... I guess."


"Yeah... That's what I write about in these," Taehyung explained. He had never really told anyone about his books before. Not because he didn't want to, it just never came up.

"I write down what every memorable painting I see makes me feel. It's my way of documenting. I never put the name or artist though. That's not important to me. It's the mood that matters."

He looked over to see Jungkook looking at him intently. Like trying to figure him out.

"I actually have a few of your paintings in here... I'm not sure which ones off the top of my head... But if I read them I'll know. I always remember the emotions a certain piece gives me."

This time Jungkook smiled.

"You know... I could give you a little discount on one if you want," he said with a playful smirk. Taehyung only laughed.
"But I already have one!" Jungkook's face crinkled in confusion. Taehyung couldn't get enough of his expressions. He was just as amazing as his paintings were, making him feel certain emotion with every conversation and expression. His current one: utter happiness.

"I was the winner of your most recent giveaway," he said. The soft smile returned to Jungkook's face.


"Yeah it's hanging up on my wall!"
He noticed a pink blush form of Jungkook's cheeks which made him go red as well.

"That... Really means a lot," Jungkook said with his head down, hiding the tint on his cheeks.

Soon the boys arrived at Jungkook's building and they bid their goodbyes but Taehyung stopped Jungkook before he walks inside.

"Jungkook?" He called from behind, the younger turned around and looked at him curiously, "Could I... Get a picture with you?"

Jungkook smiled his soft smile once more before nodding and coming beside Taehyung He took out his phone and Jungkook came closer to him. Many pictures were taken before Taehyung put down his phone.

"Hey Taehyung," Jungkook started, "if you post that anywhere... Could you cover my face? I uh... Still don't want my face out in the Internet?"

He smiled sympathetically and nodded. Jungkook waved goodbye and walked back into the building.

"I'll keep in touch," he said to Taehyung before he closed the door.

Taehyung's heart was fluttering. Jungkook was a new, amazing thing in his life that he was absolutely elated about. He had suddenly forgotten about everything else that was going on in his life. He forgot about the pack of cigarettes in his pocket. He forgot about the small box that held his stash of marijuana at home. He forgot about the plans he made with Yoongi tonight. He smiled the whole way home, unable to hide his happiness, and he held the notebook tight in his hand, clutched to his chest.


This is still meh but okay.

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