17. Sand drawings

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Once again, Jungkook and Jimin were at the same beach. Jungkook was drawing a big picture into the sand with a long stick while Jimin sat, watching, while eating French fries from a large paper tray that he had gotten from a nearby fast food place.

Jungkook was focused on his work. Making thick lines into the sand with one hand, holding a large camera to his chest with the other. He stood back every few strokes as the picture was so big, then he would go back in and work some more. An exhausting but effective process.

"Jungkook," Jimin said from his spot on the ground. "cmon lets go walk to the pier." But the younger ignored him and kept carving into the coarse sand.

"Kookieee," Jimin whined with a fry hanging from his mouth.

"Hold on," Jungkook finally replied, "I have to finish this before the tide comes in."

Jimin let out and exasperated sigh and left the other alone for a while before speaking up again.

"Hey kookie, remember the first time we came here?" He asked with a smirk.

"Uhhh nope?" Jungkook said, without looking up. He remained totally emotionless, covering up the fact that he was lying. He remembered that day so clearly in his mind he could practically relive it through his thoughts. It was his most vivid memory that he had.

It was 5 years ago. The summer before jungkook's junior year and Jimins senior year in high school. The two boys had been friends since 6th grade and were extremely close. Jungkook was 16, Jimin was 17. They were free to do as they pleased. So Jimin decided to drive them both to the beach to watch the sunset.

They sat in the dry part of the warm sand, watching as the low tide revealed all kinds of grass and small crustaceans. They sat intimately close to each other, trying to shield themselves from the chill breeze that left goosebumps over their sun tanned skin.

The sun hung low and an explosion of slowly changing colors painted the sky around it. Shades of orange, purple, and pink. That was Jungkook's favorite part about the beach. All of the amazing and beautiful colors that would eventually fade to black, no stars due to the city just behind the surrounding Palm trees, just a black background with a single white dot for a moon.

"Hey kookie," Jimin said softly with the sound of salty waves behind his words, "what are you thinking about right now?"

It wasn't a hard question to answer for the black haired boy.

"The sky. All of those vibrant colors and how they'll all eventually fade away into an ominous blackness that just goes on forever."


"And as the sun sinks farther into the horizon, the pink, then the purple, then the orange will get darker and darker and the sky will be black as if it had gotten tired of making such beauty and fell asleep, leaving the moon to watch over the night. I think its beautiful."

There was a long pause as Jimin tried to comprehend what was said, but got distracted when Jungkook spoke again.

"What about you? What are you thinking about?"

"You," he said simply. Jungkook turned his head to meet Jimins eyes with his own. The latter took the younger boys hand, interlocking their fingers.

"What do you mean?" Jungkook innocently asked.

"I like you Jungkook," Jimin replied, "you're like, my favorite person ever. I love the way you talk. You're so deep that most of the time I have no idea what you're saying but I love it. The way you think is just amazing. And your art... It's good! You're so creative and I wish I could do the same things that you do. Your eyes are so pretty I could stare at them all day. I love how your hair smells and I love the way your hands fit into mine. So..."

Jimin put his free hand on Jungkook's face and caressed his cheek with his thumb.

"Jungkook... Would you be my boyfriend?"

Without saying a single word, Jungkook flung his arms around Jimins neck and smashed their lips together with such a force that they collapsed on to the ground with Jungkook on top of the other. Their lips moved in perfect sync. Fully embraced in each other, focused on nothing but the present.

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