Chapter Eight

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[Bertholdt's POV]

(Y/N) and I ended up at a patch of grass, with the breeze run across on the grass.

We lied there in silence, almost deafening, till I broke the silence.

"Want to head back? Dinner will be starting soon."

I asked, looking at her

"Mm.. Maybe just for a while and we will go.. I'm kinda tuckered out."

She replied, looking back at me.

I nodded and looked back at the cloudy sky.

I guess this what seemed fun was like.
And if I'm honest -- I liked her.
She had goals, the things she wants to achieve in life.

That's what I liked about her. Not just that, her smile. I thought she looked beautiful with that.

As we spent our minutes here, she was the first to get up.

"I had a really good time, Bertholdt. I'm gonna head back. I'll see you later."

(Y/N) said, getting up.

I looked at her, sitting up

"Alright bye, (Y/N)."

I said, she started to take off.

I looked out in the distance before getting up and go to my dorm.

Reiner was just off to take a shower. Marco and Jean were off their chatter till I opened the door.

"Oh hey Bertholdt! I was just gonna go search for you."

Marco greeted, looking over at me.

"Hey Marco."

I replied, looking back at them.

"Hey I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday."

Marco said.

"What's her name anyways?"

Jean chimed in, looking at me.

"Uh.. Her name is (Y/N). She's really nice when you get to know her."

I sat on my bed, looking at them.

"Hey, Jean don't be rude."

Marco replied, looking at Jean.

Jean shrugged.

"She really does sound nice though."

Marco looked back at me.

I nodded.

As Reiner was finished with his shower and dressed.

We all went to the cafeteria as it grew dark outside.

"We really should get (Y/N) and you together!"

Marco said, putting a arm over me, or trying to.

"What's the rush?"

I asked, looking at him.

"No rush. Just thought you two would be cute."

Jean came along, joining Marco's side.

(I'm really sorry of the joke. If it's even good or lame)

I looked at the two of them, they really wanted it to happen by explaining the looks of their faces.

Reiner, he just passed by and went in, already sitting with Annie as I was surrounded by Jean and Marco.

The both of them dragged me along to (Y/N)'s table, (Y/N) shot up a look and I felt hot already.

I knew I was gonna be a mess after this.

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