Chapter Twelve

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[Your POV]

You pulled away as once you were done crying, noticing the wet puddle on his shirt.

"I-I'm sorry..!"

You said, lowering your head.

"(Y/N), no it's ok. Everyone needs someone to cry on."

He said, reassuring you with a softly smile.

You dried your skin from the tears, looking at him.

He felt warm, making you feel safe in his embrace. You would ask him to hold you but you didn't want to make him feel awkward about it.

"We should head back."

Bertholdt said, getting up and holding his hand for you to take it.

You smiled and held on his hand.

He pulled you up gently, smiling back.

You walked back to the camp, looking at him.

Bertholdt didn't really say much on the way, he had his hands in his pockets, just looking at the dirt.

It felt weird that you had some feeling for him, caring about him and just wondering if he felt the same. But in all means, you did not want to force it out of him. So you'd just wait till he was ready to let it out.

Walking up to your dorm, Bertholdt looked at you.

"Well, I'll see you later, (Y/N)"

He said.

"Yeah, you too."

You smiled, watching him walk down the hall before going in your dorm.

Though it was rather odd by the absence of the silence. No one was to be found.

You shrugged it off, deciding that you needed a shower before Krista, Annie and Mikasa gets here.

Grabbing a towel, you walked to the shower room after to close the door after you and took your shower stall.

You stripped off your clothes and putted them aside out of the stall before turning on the water.

The good thing was that if you were first to the showers, you get the best showers. So not much to complain.

Running your fingers through your hair, you started to feel so relaxed as the stress went away.

You tilted your head, getting the rest of your hair soaked.

As soon as you got done, you turned off the shower and reached for your towel.

You dried off your body then wrapped it around your naked body.

Getting out of the shower, you putted on the trainee uniform before going out of the showers.

You walked to your dorm, noticing it was opened.

You thought it was weird and you started to think

Didn't I close that door?

You walked in, seeing Annie with Reiner and Bertholdt.

Annie and Reiner gave you the cold expressions on their faces. Bertholdt, just seemed to be worried.

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