Chapter Seven

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*Do not play the song yet to add some mood unless told to do so*

But anyways --- Hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for the votes! I'm trying to keep it real slow paced and looking for opportunities or ways to make the chapter better. Again, enjoy!

[Your POV]

After from returning your room --- or shared room.

You collapsed on the bed of yours.

It didn't feel yet great for you as you were nervous as you were taken off the ground.

Just kind of made you feel woozy and lumpy.

Krista looked at you.

"You feeling alright? I guess you were as nervous as I was"

Krista chuckled.

"Yeah, just regaining my nerves."

You sat up, leaning your head against the wall.

"Oh, okay."

Krista looked around, not seeing Annie or Mikasa.

"Huh.. I wonder where they gone off to?"

Krista looked back at you, sitting on her bed across from you.

"Mm.. Probably just hanging out with the other trainees?"

You replied, glancing at her.

"You may be right.. Want to go outside with me?"

Krista asked you, already getting out of bed.

"No.. I think I'll just stay in here for a while and think about coming out.. Or just taking a shower."

"Oh okay! Well see you later (Y/N)."

As soon as she said that, she was gone.

You lied down, thinking of what Annie said and Bertholdt's reactions.

*Play the song*

As minutes later passed, you heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

You asked.

"Um.. It's Bertholdt, can I talk to you?"

You sprang off the bed, going over to the door.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

You replied, opening up the door.

He looked at you.


He said.

"Hi, didn't think you'd knock on my door?"

You said, closing the door after you.

"Well.. I wanted someone to talk to instead of Annie and Reiner."

He replied, taking a step back that he wouldn't be so close to you.

You looked at him.

"Oh? About what?"

"Well, I just want to get to know you better."

He gave you a half smile.

"Oh okay, like what?"

You leaned off the wall, walking beside him as you both walked down the hallway.

"Uh.. What is your favourite food?"

He looked at you.

"Favorite.. I'd say a omellete."

Looking back at him.

"Good choice! What are you gonna sign up for? Like Scouting, Police, something like that?"

He asked, now going outside.

"I want to do Scouting, what about you?"

"Hmm. I got interest in Police. Though, I find you brave about that decision. So you really do want to protect people?"

He replied.

"Yeah, I will try my hardest of that. Cause yet, people don't deserve to die like in such of a way without feeling protected."

You said.

"Well, I hope you on the best for that."

He smiled and patted you on the back softly.

"Same for you."

You smiled back.

And with that, you got to know him better and laughed at the cheesy jokes. He seemed like a bestfriend to you. One that always could keep up your days when you're sad or stressed. But, you were just now friends. And not just that, he could make friends as you realized if Annie and Reiner would step off.

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