Chapter 6

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Eden's parents were going to know something was up. They'd never guess exactly what—how could they?—but they'd definitely guess something. Their daughter was not a social butterfly. She was not even a mildly busy moth. Her time was equally divided between work and home and any rare minutes outside of that were spent in the library or the gym. Alone.

With her diary filling up times three, she needed to excuse away her sudden busy schedule. "Writing class," she told them. "I thought I'd try writing again. Just some amateur group down at the library, but it's fun."

"That's great, Eden!" her mom enthused, correcting a disobedient strand of Eden's hair. "You have anything I can read?"

"Oh, no. Not yet, anyway."

"Okay. Well, I'm always interested, darling."

"Thanks, Mom," she said, gifting her a kiss on the cheek before flying out the door to her car. "Don't wait up!"

Eden couldn't get to Master's fast enough.

Once outside of the lavish villa she swapped the sensible shoes she'd adorned for her parent's benefit for the black boots her Master had appreciated in their last meeting. She undid the top few buttons on her cream cardigan, revealing the black tank beneath, then checked her reflection in the mirror, fluffing her hair. Eden had never cared so much about her appearance before. But, she'd never tried to please anyone other than herself, not through her dress sense, anyway.

Eden had barely knocked on the door to her Master's home before his housekeeper was opening it and gesturing for her to come inside. "Come with me please, Miss. Blevins," she said, her voice professionally polite. She guided Eden through two curved archways to a dramatic dining room; the chandelier over a table big enough for ten was a mass of sparkles. Master sat beneath it.

"Forgive me," he said, wiping at his mouth with a cloth napkin. Around him were puddles of paper, messy but clearly important. "Work ran a little over. I'll be done in a minute."

Eden shook her head. "It's fine."

"Join me? There's plenty of food." He turned to his nearby housekeeper and asked, "Correct, Dana?"

"Of course, Sir." Dana turned toward what Eden assumed was the kitchen.

"Oh no, thank you," Eden hurried. "I'm not hungry."

"Coffee then?" Master insisted.

"I'm fine, thanks."

He eyed her curiously, not believing the casual manner in which she dismissed his offer. She was nervous. Too nervous to eat? Had he not made any progress with her? Despite hammering them down previously, her walls were clearly taller than ever.

He dismissed his housekeeper and pushed away his plate. He was no longer hungry for steak. He was hungry for Cherry.

"Would you like a tour?" he asked, noticing her perusal of the room. He barely noticed its extravagance anymore. And now, acting as his student's backdrop, it seemed too loud.

"No, thank you."

Eden already felt bland next to Master and his castle. She didn't need to be reminded further of her unworthiness.

"To the bedroom, then."

She nodded.

"Go ahead. I need to organize this," he said, nodding to the paperwork spread over the table. "Then I'll be up. Five minutes."


He watched her walk away, appreciating the cut of her jeans. Ordinarily he liked his women to look just that...womanly. But there was a lot to be said for the hug of denim against derriere. He was eager to follow her, but he also knew the value of anticipation.

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