Brodies last show and an audition

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I arrived at the theatre early as it was my mum's birthday and I went home for a couple of days. But I was forced to perform on Brodie's last show. And was most likely going to cry. He chose Nathan as his Michael and obviously I was his Debbie! Nathan and Brodie were already and I had to go and see him. I knocked on Brodie's dressing room door. He opened it and looked up expecting to see a tall person, " down here!" I laughed (as I was only 4"6) he picked me up and swung me round! "Careful love birds!" Nathan called out laughing. Brodie pushed him jokingly.
"It's gonna be strange without you Brodie! Your like my best mate. And what will Hazel do? She will cry!" He laughed. "I've already booked seats for 2 weeks away and we can meet up!" We looked at each other and hugged. "GET A ROOM!!" We shot looks of death to Nathan.
"Love you good luck!" I whispered in Brodie's ear. He kissed me and told me that he'd miss me!

I got to the dressing room. Blinking back tears. I sat at my desk and the lady did my hair she told me that I was very pretty. Maybe I was. I just never noticed... Why would Brodie like me? Oh well. She finished my hair and we went to get our costumes. Lee Hoy stopped me, "Hazel. Tonight you and Nathan are gonna give Brodie his plaque okay? It's back stage waiting for him. We hidden it but we can move it!" I nodded and ran off backstage to prepare for shine. You could tell Brodie was going for it. Shine was completely amazing! I feel like we had cracked this! Then suddenly I spotted my best friends Becca and Isy! They pointed. Now I was going for it. On my "if you want I'll show you my fanny" line as I skipped off I ran back and kissed Brodie on his cheek and everyone laughed at Brodie's expression but we knew he liked it! The bows began and just as they began I saw loads of ex Billy cast! I pushed Nathan and before the kicks me and Brodie hugged each other! Then Deka began his speech. And Nathan and I ran off to get the plaque, "we wanna give you this" and we walked out with a huge thing that read, "Congratulations Brodie Donouger for 140 Billy Elliot shows. We will miss you!" He was crying now. "Lady's and Gents. Brodie Donouger!" He made a long speech and when the curtains closed poor Brodie broke down. And so did I.

We went out of stage door and Brodie held my hand tight. His family was standing ready to hug him and love him. He ran to them. Then he turned around to me, "this is Hazel!" I waved akawardly and smiled, "she's very pretty. Come on you two let's get a picture" his older sister Jess said, he did a normal one and then we did one where he was in splits and I was doing a handstand. I let Brodie have time with his family. So I went round to front of house where they were waiting for brodie to do a Billy house pic! Loads of people came up to me asking for pictures. And I saw Isy and Becca and we physically attacked each other (because we hadn't seen each other in ages) I introduced everyone to them and we talked for a bit. Brodie came round and we all cheered as he did. We took a normal pic then did a gymnastics one, Nat did handstands I did splits with Connie at the front and Nathan and Brad had Thomas and Brodie on their shoulders snd it was one of the best nights ever.

I woke up the morning after with Nat leaning over me. Waiting for me to wake up. We went down stairs and started a new dance to a Bugsy Malone song and i showed him my new character Song and Dance. "I general thumb just come to town a Yankee Doodle dandy!" And I carried on and nailed my Ariel of a chair. He clapped and Connie walked in. I carried on singing "if you need to lean up on a friendly shoulder narrows just as goodas wide." By the time I've finished the entire house was downstairs watching. "Bet your life I'm glad! I'm me!" Everyone clapped And I kinda was proud of myself. One of the chaperones pulled me over, "Barnum is coming back to the west end and they are doing it entirely with kids. Tom Thumb can be a boy or a girl. Shall I sign you up for an audition?" I nodded and was so excited! But that mean I had to leave Billy? I don't know? I may not even get the part. But apparently Nat was going for the ringmaster and Nathan was going to be in the chorus! It was going to be fun!

The day of the auditions rolled round and Nathan Nat and i were drove the venue. When we arrived there was hundreds of kids! I went to the Tom Thumb line. Now I was scared. They Made me sing a song of my choice and I sang the letter because it was a good song and one of the panel was in tears. I got through to the next round where they tested my dance skills. (In which I was the only one who could do a round off back handspring into back tuck) we had a baller and tap lesson and I was put in the more able group. And then I got a recall letter! I came out and Nat got one too! Suddenly from across the room Nathan came running to us with a recall!
"Nat what did they say to you!" Nathan asked him.
"They said I'd be more suitable for Barnum!"
"Same! But for the ringmaster!" We climbed into the van and put on Barnum songs! Half way home colours of my life came on. That song made me thing of me and Brodie. I sat in tears Nat grabbed my hand and told me it was fine.

We arrived back home and as soon as we got in all the others were sat on the stairs. "Did you get a recall?" Thomas shouted
"Yep all 3 of us!" Nat said proudly
They went insane! Like we'd won some awards
"Quick Hazel! You need to get some tea down you before you perform tonight!"
I shoved my tea down me and made sure it went down by the time I was at VPT tonight it was me, Ben and Euan so I was ready.

I finished the show and Eddie Maggs was there and he asked if I could be in his Vlog I said yeah and he began vlogging, "so I am here with Hazel Yates who plays Debbie and she's really pretty and always has on this bracelet which I've seen all the Debbie's wearing. Is it a Debbie bracelet?"
"Yeah Connie and Bea gave it me on my 30th show! It was really nice of them. And then I got this from Nat on my 30th show!"
"Aww well thank you for talking to me! Can you sign my program?" I nodded and signed my name! And then he passed me a poster that I signed! It was super exciting.
I was waiting for the van with Euan and Ben and we were and a girl came up to us asking for a picture and autograph. I asked her her name and she said, "It's not for me! It's for my friend Hannah!" So I signed it to her. That point the van rolled round the corner and we jumped in. I waved her off and she was crying with happiness!

On the way home Geoff told us about a contest that was going to be set up called "Billy, Michael and Debbie for a week!" Basically they had a "week" to live and learn Billy. But the winners wouldn't go on for a month and they had to learn everything first! And loads of west end musicals are coming to see if they have any good child actors. They told us this because they wanted all 3 Debbie's to be ballet Girls! It sounded fun! So we went along with it.

I arrived home to chaos! Nat was stood on the sofa. Connie was upset, Nathan had Thomas in a head lock and Bea was comforting Connie, Bradley was cheering on the fight. Geoff told us to go up to are rooms and stay there for a while. And that he'd come sort us out. I ran in and dived on the best. I heard Geoff get mad and I shoved my head under a pillow. Connie came into the room in floods of tears. Then shouting "I HATE YOU NATHAN JONES!" The door slammed shut. I wasn't gonna ask until Geoff came in. "What's wrong Connie?" She sat up. "Nathan told everyone I like Thomas but apparently Thomas likes me but Thomas got mad and attacked Nathan then they started to fight"
"Okay Connie. It's not your fault now get ready for bed"
Everyone fell asleep on bad terms that night! Was everyone gonna make up? I didn't know.... We'd all have to wait and see. A full class civil war has emerged. Oh god..

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