The billy house in Ireland

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I woke up in the hotel very confused but then I remembered and saw Bea and Hollie (who I was sharing with) and I got ready for the day. I grabbed my blue t shirt and some blue jeans with my Green high tops. And I was forced to wear my Billy jumper that said "Billy Elliot The Musical Hazel Yates Debbie" we all had one and we were giving them to the tour cast today! They had a matinée and an evening, we were sitting backstage for the afternoon and watching this evening! Today it was Adam, Evie, Elliot and Lewis, Henry and Lilly. With the Billy from the afternoon show being tall boy tonight. We went to breakfast and all the tour cast were mixing with us which was nice. I was talking to Lily, she seemed like she didn't like being on tour. She said she missed her family, she liked performing but it was hard being away for long periods of time. I totally got what she means. I had a dress all ready for tonight but I was a little worried that the boys would think I was crazy! But Bea was wearing a really nice dress so I think i was okay. We finished breakfast and Hollie went off with Evie (as they went to the same dance school) and me and Bea went back to the room. Bea seemed nervous"Bea what's up? You seem upset?"
"I got Matilda. SHIT" she blurted out "BEATRICEBARTLEY! THAT IS THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE HEARD ALL DAY! IM SO PROUD OF YOU!" She looked so happy but also like she was gonna cry! "You can't say anything! I don't start till late November, so I have a while left as its only August! I'm really nervous!" We jumped around then Hollie walked in with the tour Debbies. We stopped and laughed! "Urm were setting off to the theatre. Geoff wants us all downstairs. Are we doing it?" Me and Bea grinned and nodded Hollie grinned back at us. The tour Debbies just looked confused. We grabbed our jackets and chucked Hollie hers. All of the London Billy squad were gonna walk down as a squad together. We all waited at the stairs and once everyone's was here. We walked down. I felt like we were in an action film where ACDC's back in black was playing in the background. We all had our hoods up and felt amazing. We then posed and I was in a crouch position with my hand up in the air. The tour crew just looked shocked, we all grined at each other! Our mission was complete!

We arrived at the theatre after our amazing arrival. We went on to stage, and was introduced to the amazing tour cast! On tour the Debbies had their own dressing room which was cool to me as we shared with the ballet girls. We just talked about random shit and I did back handsprings down the dressing room. Evie kept getting called in and out as she was on the show that afternoon, we had to leave early so to get ready for the show tonight. We got straight back to the hotel and Bea took so much time to get ready! We did eachothers hair and makeup and got our dresses. Bea looked me up and down, "Do I look that bad? You can tell me"
"Hazel, you look amazing." I had a navy blue dress on with Blue polka dots on. My hair was in ringlets and my shoes were my faded green converse. Bea look so pretty too. She had a green dress with white spots, snd blue faded converse. We walked down the stairs together we spotted the boys and Hollie at the bottom by the door. All of a sudden everyone's heads turned and looked at us. Nathan's jaw dropped at Bea. We grinned at each other. And set off for the theatre. Nat was walking with us and so was Nathan. Nathan turned round to Bea and said "Bea, I've been meaning to ask you this for a while." Nat and I looked at each other and smiled as hard as we could as we both new what was about to happen. "Bea, will you go out with me?"
"YES YES! 1 MILLION TIMES YES!" And she jumped around like a giddy toddler. Me and Nat actually did Ariels up the road in joyous celebration.

We got to the theatre and bought a programme (what just because we're in Billy doesn't mean we don't want the full experience!) and took a picture next to the cast board. A few MEGA Billy fans came up to us (while we were doing pirouettes and Matilda ninja moves) and they took a few pictures with us. Then I went into full Matilda mode and one of the fans filmed it. I even sang. I hit every move correctly and then it was time to watch. We had to sneak out of the end early as we were coming on at the end for a bow. We ran all the way round. Grabbed our tutus and legit went full rampage into our costumes! We had taken them with us so it wasn't a problem. I pulled up my white tights and shoved my hair in bunches and tried to plait them the best I could. I think the craziest thing was Nathan getting his tutu on! Then when small boy/girl ran on we followed him on and joined the ballet girls! With their jumpers in our hands. The man who played dad started talking. "In case you couldn't tell, we have a few extra cast members tonight, we have our lovely comrades from London! And they are here to present our lovely your kids their jackets! But before we do that. Why don't ya introduce yourselves?"
My turn finally came round "HI! I'm Hazel I'm 12 years old and I'm from Durham! I play Debbie and I've done it for just over 6 months now!" When Matthew was about to introduce himself David (I think that's his name?) said "we know you!" And pushed him out of the way! Then let him speak "Hi I'm Matthew! I started on the tour, but now Ive transferred to the London cast" the others came out who had been waiting backstage. "So first, we have the wonderful Adam!" Nat read out and passed him his jacket, "Next we have the amazing Samuel Torpey!" Ben passed him his jacket and we passed out all the jacket and I was last, "And last but definitely not least the amazingly talented Itallia Ross!" And she ran out on stage and I passed if her! So then we all had our jackets and we got into our shortest to tallest line and put up our hoods to show the back. And the curtain fell! They didn't seem to follow the curtain down so me and Bea did and they thought we were crazy! "Don't you follow the curtain down here?" Bea asked them
"No? But I will now!" Samuel said back to us. Tomorrow we were just having a fun day! I think we were going swimming and shopping! I have Irish family (hence why I'm called Hazel. After my great grandma) so it was nice to be near them! My dad is Irish so growing up I had the STRANGEST accent until it developed into my soft Geordie accent. We all fell asleep after talking for a long time!

We woke up on Monday morning and we went down for breakfast. After that we went down to the biggest shopping place EVER! We bought loads of stuff and it gave us chance to buy Nat's birthday Presents! I'd already bought him tickets for Wicked with a hoodie. I just needed something... NAT! I'd been thinking so hard about this. Capzio shopping spree? Maybe? Suddenly the idea came flashing into my head, a Nat memory book! I ran over to Geoff "GEOFF! Can I have all the pictures of me and Nat, and can you get some off his mum of us two? And his production pics?"
"Yeah? But why? Seems like a lot of photos" he asked me with a puzzled look on his face,
"It's for Nat's present! I promise you! I'm making a memory/scrapbook for Nat"
"Ooo great idea! Have you bought the book?"
"Not yet I'm doing it now. Thanks Geoff" and I ran off the paper-chase with Bea (who id found outside boots) she helped me pick out the best scrapbook with some cute accessories. after that I ran back do Geoff and made sure he'd hide it from Nat. Then Bea and I went to the Disney store to buy Bea's present for Nat.

After a quick shop we decided to go swimming at the hotel pool! It was a biggish pool with several slides. And as we were dancers we did Split jumps, Backflips, Ariels and so much more into the pool! My personal favourite was doing Billy jumps into the pool. But our time at the Billy tour had come to a close. We drove to the airport after some upsetting goodbyes. "Promise you'll come see us in London?" I said to Italia, who I'd made a good friendship with.
"Yep! I'll send you postcards from all the tour venues! Milly? Can we go see them one time?"
"Of course"
We pulled up at the airport and checked our bags in, we sat in the waiting room area and did Ariels and stuff. I felt bad for whoever was on tonight, I had a few days off as I'd done an 8 show week! I was next performing on Nat's Birthday which was Wednesday then seeing wicked on the Thursday (because we weren't on or on standby.)

We arrived back at the Billy House and I ran upstairs and flopped onto my bed. Bea had a letter in her hand. She passed it to me. It had already been opened so I pulled it out gently.

Miss Beatrice Bartley
We are are delighted to inform you that your audition for Matilda the Musical has been successful. You will begin rehearsals on 10th September 2016 and begin your run as Matilda on the 30th of November2016. We look forward to working with you

All the creative team of Matilda the Musical

"Bea, I'm so proud of you" and I passed it back to her. At that very moment Hollie happened to walk in. "OOOO! What's this. Can I read it!?" She asked
"No, it's private." And Hollie tried grabbing it off Bea but she pulled back and held it tight behind her back
"I WISH YOU TWO WOULD JUST STOP KEEPING SECRETS! I'm a Debbie as well now. Connie's gone GET OVER IT! I'm here to stay and I'm getting truly sick of this!!
"WELL THERES NOT GONNA BE MUCH US TWO ANYMORE! I WILL LET YOU KNOW WHAT THAT LETTER SAID IF AND WHEN I WANT  TOO! Got that? good" Bea's charming and funny personality changed to fits of rage. Like something clicked inside
Of her, like something has so much pressure, it exploded. I slipped out without them noticing. I ran into the dance studio. I put on say something and just let everything go. Nat always seemed to walk in when I was dancing. "I swear down Nat Sweeney! Why did you come in?"
"I want you to sing this" he said with a huge Grin on his face. He sat at the piano. And started playing softly then sped up and I held a 16 bar note! "Perform it on my birthday with me?" I nodded. And practiced my little butt off! I was ready for Wednesday

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