New year New Start

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After I went back to Billy. Madness insued. We had 2 new Debbies Bea's replacement and my replacement. They were really lovely girls, but I wouldn't get to spend time with them. I was sharing a room with a girl called Olivia(wink wink.) She was really nice and oddly enough she was my replacement in Matilda as well! She was a complete theatre nerd like me and as soon as she'd unpacked she said,
"Wow! This is a really cool house! I love it!"
"Liv, now that we're friends. I've decided to make you my new project!" I said (imitating Glinda)
"Well that's odd? I'm Lavender? Not liv!" She said with a huge grin plastered on her face.
"Veruca Salt. Charmed!" Said doing a nice little curtsey
"Oh? I thought that was a thing on your foot?"
"That has 2 Cs I only have one"
We burst into pure laughter and Nat came in to let us know teas ready but as he left he said, "odd children. Not another mini Hazel" we ran down the stairs and I showed her the dining room, Hollie was glaring at me across the table sat with the girl replacing Bea.
"So Hazel, how's your new girl. Jessica's been in 3 other musicals before this. She's a bit like you"
"Cool. What have you been in?" I said ignoring Hollies stupid smart remarks.
"Annie, Mary Poppins and Les Mis. Hollie said you'd been in some stuff, but this is the biggest thing I've done"
I nodded as I ate my mashed potato. Dinner finished with Thomas shouting at Hollie. It was really funny actually, "better get used to Hollie, she's a bit mean but leave her" I turned and said to Liv.

After we'd all cleaned up we (Nat me and Ben) up to the studio room we stuck the Jack into my phone. Ironically Candy store was the first song to come on and Nat fancied himself as a Heather Chandler. So he lip synced to all the words and then I sang the bit with the intense riff. Liv applauded, we invited her to come see school of rock with us.
"Of course I'd love to!" She said excitedly, "my best friend from back home is in it. Her names Connie an-"
"Hold it there queen, Connie Fisher?" Nat said with his little smile on his face. Liv nodded and we started screaming and jumping around. At that very moment Geoff walked in,
"Everything alright? I'm booking school of Rock tickets do you all want one?" We all said yes. And then we were seeing everyone in school of rock on Saturday and I couldn't be more excited!

It was the Thursday Matinee when me, Nat and Nathan were on. I finally got to perform with my two favourites boys in the show. But after Geoff dropped us off the Olivier people pulled us aside.
"We have an offer from CBBC to film an episode of a show called 'My Life' about Billy and we put your names forward to do an episode about your last show and there coming on Monday!"
"Okay?" Nat said looking at me and Nathan. Then we were sent out. No explanation
"Well that was odd? " Nathan said laughing. I went and sat in the boys room for a while until my chaperone came. Stupidly I'd left my Hoodie in the boys dressing room,  so after warm
Up it was time to find where Nathan had hidden my hoodie. I went into the boys room, "where've  you hidden it jonesy?"
"I don't what what you mean?" He said with his Cheshire Cat grin printed across his face, "it's somewhere on stage" I ran on to the stage, I looked around and he'd hung on the side of the piano I climbed ed down into the music pit and grabbed it. When I see that boy.  It was time to get ready. I saw Nathan on the way back, "YOU BOY!" He had some in his hand but I couldn't see what. I was just about to go do my run around in the stars look down. When Nathan held something up I looked at it closely. It was my ballet shoe. When it came to the run around, I shouted "MICHAEL CAREFREY! Give that back!" I chased him all around the stage for this freaking shoe and Nat eventually grabbed it and passed it me. We got off, "funny Nathan, real funny!" He laughed and ran off.

The show had finished and I'd lost my left shoe, luckily my lovely chaperone decided to go get it. She passed it me and we left. I fell asleep pretty early and never even thought about Nathan stealing my clothes. It was odd having Liv next to me instead of Bea but I got used to it and fell asleep

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2017 ⏰

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