pacify her - c.h

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You subtly looked over your shoulder when you heard Calum's laugh echo over the football field. Your eyes instinctively rolled when you saw he was holding hands with the bimbo he called his girlfriend. You turned your attention to your friends and passed the time until the bitch finally left his side.
Show time.
"Hi Calum." You giggled, walking over to him with your hips swinging.
"Hi Y/N!" He seemed a bit taken aback as you threw your arms over him to pull him into a hug, but he hugged you back nonetheless.
You drew back and ran your eyes down his body.
"Has anyone ever told you how good you look in all your football gear?" You flirted shamelessly.
It was true, the dark maroon of his kit complimented his skin tone beautifully and the white shorts showed off his toned legs.
Calum blushed and looked at his feet, before glancing up and catching your eyes.
"You think so?"
You nodded enthusiastically in reply.
"Well don't tell anyone but that cheerleader uniform looks great on you too."
You couldn't stop yourself grinning at the compliment, which only boosted your blind courage more.
"So after your practice do you want to come back to mine and study for the chemistry test?" You proposed, playing with your hair as you looked up at Calum with wide eyes.
"Um, yeah, okay." He stuttered nervously, making you giggle, "Where should I meet you?" His eyes glanced around, probably scared of a teammate hearing and reporting to his girlfriend.
"I have cheer now as well so we'll find each other." You said elusively, happily turning on the balls of your feet and waving as you strutted back to the huddle of cheerleaders waiting for you. You greeted your friends with a wide grin and laughed as they all clamoured around you, begging for details only for you to brush them off and start warming up.
The hour and a half of training was agonising; sneaking looks over the fields, Calum putting in more effort to score whilst you made sure to stretch every so often, bending over and unsubtly waving your ass in the air.
The second you were dismissed you made your way over to the benches and sat down, waiting for the last five minutes of the football session to end. You waved at Calum as he jogged over to you, your stomach doing little flips as sweat dripped down his face and he panted, trying to catch his breath.
"You were amazing out there." You spoke, nodding to the field behind him.
"Funny, I was going to say the same thing to you," Calum smiled bashfully, "Do you mind if I go and change?"
You were a bit disappointed to see him go, but then an evil little idea struck you, "You could just change here?" You offered, testing Calum.
"In front of you?" He coughed as a blush crept up his cheeks, "And them?" He nodded towards the few stragglers left around.
"They're not close," You stood up, moving to the fidgeting boy, "But only if you want to, you know."
"Okay, but don't look." He said quickly, his adam's apple bobbing nervously.
You nodded in agreement, sitting back down on the bench and waiting for him to make the first move. Calum dithered a bit, digging around in his bag before finally removing his football top, nervously biting his lip before quickly removing his undershirt, giving you a glimpse of his taught body before pulling another shirt over his head. He grinned at you when he noticed you staring hungrily. You simply bit your lip as you waited for him to remove his shorts, allowing your eyes flick over his lower body.
"I'm not going to..." Calum's voice faltered as he realised what you were implying.
His cheeks were on fire by now, and he played with his jeans in his hands before hurriedly shimmying out of the material and throwing on the dark denim. You quirked an eyebrow as you watched him, the look on his face telling you that he loved the excitement of possibly getting caught.
"You're ready?" You checked, making no big deal of what Calum just did, despite inwardly exploding.
"Mmhmm." He nodded at you, biting back a smile from how outrageous he just was, and following you off the school grounds.
You let a small sigh fall from your lips as you unlocked the door to your house. Now the real fun could begin.
"It's empty." You reassured Calum, calling over your shoulder.
"O-okay." He stuttered, looking around anyway, letting you lead him into the kitchen.
"You want anything?" You hopped onto the marble counter and began peeling a banana, eating it slowly, a feeling of pride washing over your body as you saw the effect it was having on the boy opposite you.
"Can I, uh, have a shower?" Calum swallowed thickly, "I'm all sweaty from practice."
He was right, but you also knew an ulterior motive was there, judging by the way he was strategically using his bag to cover his crotch.
"Great idea!" You enthusiastically replied, abandoning the fruit probably much to Calum's relief, a new scheme popping into your head.
Motioning for him to follow, you ran up the stairs, making no effort to conceal your ass poking out from under your short uniform skirt.
You lead him to the bathroom, turning on the shower and leaning your palms on the sink, biting your lip mischievously, silently daring yourself to carry out your impulsive plan.
3... Your hands traveled to the hem of your shirt, 2... You locked eyes with Calum, his breath shaky as he predicted what you were about to do, 1... You gripped the stretchy fabric of your top, pulling it over your head in one swift movement.
Your gaze connected with Calum's again, this time a cocky smirk tugged at your lips as you watched him drink in your half naked appearance. His eyes were fixed on your body, giving you a surge of confidence and you allowed yourself to unhook your bra, letting the straps fall off your shoulders and abandoning it on the floor. You teased the hypnotized boy by pulling the zip of your skirt down agonizingly slowly, finally left in only your black briefs.
"You coming in?" You shook your hair out of its tight ponytail, moving towards the shower and glancing at Calum over your shoulder.
"I–uh..." His jaw was slack, and you couldn't help but feel proud over the effect you had on him.
You shimmied your underwear down your legs, stepping into the shower and behind the glass partition, which was now steamed up.
"Calum?" You prompted. After all your effort he better get his butt in here.
You heard him struggle out of his jeans and pull his top off, through the glass you could see his silhouette, standing frozen in his boxers. You peeked your head around the glass, and giggled a little as you saw his red underwear was printed with little snowflakes.
"How festive," You smirked, moving back under the steady shower stream, "However I'm a tad more interested in what they're hiding."
You bit your tongue to stop yourself from bursting out laughing at what you had just said, but it seemed to work as within no time you felt Calum's presence behind you.
"Hi there." You turned and grinned, leaving your bodies as close as you dared without skin-on-skin contact.
"Hi." You could tell he was nervous but his shy smile caused you to make another move.
You tenderly grabbed his wrist, walking him into the water stream and running your hands over his muscled, tattoo-rippled arms.
"I have a girlfriend..." He protested weakly, knowing full well that if he actually wanted to leave, he could.
"Don't talk about her." You leaned forward, wrapping your hand around the back of his neck and gingerly pressing your lips to his, only deepening the kiss when you felt him respond with his arms holding your waist securely.
The warmth of the water running over your body didn't stop the goosebumps forming on your skin. You let out a gasp as Calum moved his full lips across your jawline and started nipping at your neck. You cockily pushed your chest to his, wanting, needing to feel closer to him. Your hands scratched down his back, and it only turned you on more to hear him moan against your skin in reply to the sensation.
"Wait, wait, wait!" Calum shook his head and held you at arm's length, "What are we doing?" He sighed.
The confusion in his eyes almost made you feel sorry for him. He was one of the only football players who wasn't, well, a player. Throughout the whole of his high school career he had only dated two girls and stayed faithful to both of them. Looks likes things are about to change.
"I want you." You said, now was not the time to play games so you told the honest truth.
"But I love my girlfriend." Calum was slightly exasperated.
"You don't have to love me to fuck me."
Your words seemed to have flicked a switch in the boy, who proceeded to roughly turn you around and pin your torso to the wall, deliberately leaving your ass pushed out.
"Don't tease me." He growled, rubbing his cock over your folds.
You whimpered, delirious with the thought that all the fantasies you had conjured over Calum were about to really happen. You tipped your head back as he pushed into you slowly, one of his hands gripping tightly on your waist. What turned you on even more were Calum's small whines, you knew he was loving this just as much as you were.
"Move, oh god move." You begged, gently thrusting your hips back to end the torture of Calum filling you tightly and not moving.
You rested your elbows on the cold tiled wall as Calum began to set a pace that met the slow movement of your desperate rolling hips.
"You want more?" Calum suggested, leaning forward slightly and picking up the pace as you nodded urgently, "You sure you can take it?" You could hear the smirk in his voice.
"Please Cal-" You let out a small shriek at the sudden speed he was plunging into you.
You could feel your legs shaking at the orgasm threatening to wash over you, Calum may have only been with two girls before but he certainly knew how to work a woman's body. Consistent moans fell from your lips as he repeatedly hit your g-spot and he pulled your hair tight, eliciting a few more unholy sounds from you.
"You look so good fucking yourself on me babe." Calum said, causing you to snap back to reality.
You hadn't noticed but Calum wasn't holding your waist anymore, instead one hand was tangled in your hair and the other was resting on your shoulder. You were bucking your hips independently but somehow remaining a complete slave to Calum.
You were so close, your legs were working overtime to stay upright, and you let out a frustrated groan as you felt Calum pull out of you, your orgasm fading away fast. Before you could complain he pinned your back to the wall, smirking as you let out a hiss at the touch of your skin against the cold wet tiles. You shot Calum a glare, but got distracted with how good he looked when wet. His hair was damp and curling naturally, the complexion on his upper chest and shoulders flushed from where you had run your fingernails over him. The water droplets on his skin were glistening in the low light of the bathroom, making it seem as if he was drenched in diamonds.
"It's rude to stare." Calum quipped, obviously noticing you surveying him.
"It's hard not to." You bit your lip cheekily and ran your hand over his arm.
Calum yanked your leg up over his waist, taking you by surprise and burying himself in you once again, his lips sucking on your neck making you moan loudly.
"Kiss me." You breathed.
He took your cheek in his hand, his umber eyes seemingly looking into your soul before leaning in. Your eyes fluttered closed as his soft lips touched yours, warmth washing over you and your hands grabbing at his body, desperate to feel closer to him.
He bit your bottom lip and pulled as he drew away from you, resting his forehead on yours.
"Say you're mine." As he spoke you could feel his breath fanning over your skin.
"I'm yours," You kissed his lips gently, "I'm yours," Your lips traveled to the sweet spot on his neck just under his ear, "I'm yours." You bit back a whimper as Calum picked up his pace again, his hips jerking with purpose.
You fell back against the tiled wall, your eyes squeezed closed tightly as Calum hit your spot, your jaw slack and releasing pants in time with Calum's movements.
"I can feel you," You took Calum's hand in yours, laying it on your lower stomach, "Right here."
Calum pressed lightly, the pressure there causing him to rub your g-spot perfectly, pushing you over the edge.
You cried out weakly as your orgasm finally washed over you, your legs buckling but Calum supporting you and pulling out, letting out a low groan as he pumped cum onto your stomach.
"Fuck." He whispered, letting your leg down gently, making sure you could hold yourself back.
"I'll say." You breathed, giggling a little, moving under the shower stream to wash yourself off.
You turned your back to Calum, running your hair under the lukewarm water. You felt his arms around you, pressing your back to his chest.
"I suppose I have to break up with Norma..." He said softly.
You stiffened up at the sound of her name.
"Do what you want to do." You hastily got out of the shower, pulling a towel from the rack and drying yourself off, leaving Calum behind you.
You were dressed in leggings and a large hoodie when Calum came downstairs, meeting you in the kitchen. His hair was wet but still managed to look as if a professional had styled it a minute before.
"You look good with curly hair." You spoke, breaking the heavy silence.
"Thanks." He huffed, clearly not speaking his mind.
"What are you thinking about?"
"What do you want me to do? Do you want me to leave Norma? Because I will."
"Is that what you want?" You needed to know how he actually felt about you.
"I don't know what I want!" He raised his voice, rubbing his hands over his face.
"Do you want me?"
"Then there's your answer, right?" You acted nonchalant but inside your heart was threatening to burst out your chest.
Calum hung his head in thought, before looking up and walking over to you, taking your hand in his and kissing your cheek.
"I'm taking you out on Saturday."
"Where?" You couldn't contain your grin.
"It's a surprise, I'll pick you up at 7."
"Okay." You said in a small voice, beyond ecstatic.
"Okay." Calum repeated, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

I'm still not dead lmao

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