sex lesson - a.i

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It was a mix of chatter and laughter that sounded loud from the balcony to your dorm room, a bottle of cheap vodka resting in the middle of the table and Michael's bass player being background music to your conversation.
"Okay, this is gonna be an easy one." Calum announced, clouds of dark grey smoke leaving his plump pink lips.
He moved his hand over the rack of the balcony to stump bits of his cigarette, moved forward and grabbed the filled shot glass to raise it in the air.
In reaction everyone did as so, you leaning away from Ashton's chest to grab yours and his glass. His white football jersey was soft against your bare back, his long legs resting on the available spot under the table while you leaned your feet against the bench you were sitting at.
"Never have I ever had an orgasm." It was a mix of groans that escaped people's lips by Calum's ridiculous simply way of making anyone drink in one take. He raised the glass in the air while wearing a smirk, watching as every single one lifted it to their mouths except you.
"What?" Michael commented with a light voice of disbelief, taking a sip from Calum's cigarette, "You haven't had an orgasm before?"
Everyone's eyes fell on you making you nervously look down at your filled shot glass, somehow wishing you had lied and drank with the rest of them.
Ashton looked at you as well with a puzzled look, "But you've been together with a few guys, haven't you?" He asked and quivered an eyebrow.
"I guess they never made it that good." Calum commented and filled his shot glass, helping others with theirs and you shyly hid your cheeks into Ashton's chest.
"You should talk to them Ash, you know. Orgasmmaster." Luke commented and wiggled his eyebrows teasing at the curly haired lad.
"You don't fucking say." Ashton replied and remained his eyes on you, letting them move when he answered Luke. You simply rolled your eyes by their goofiness, feeling your shoulders become less tense when you weren't the center of attention any longer, people small chit chatting between each other. Though, Ashton was the only one who still remained his eyes on you.
"You've seriously never had an orgasm?" He furrowed his eyebrows while asking, biting his lip while being trapped in many different thoughts.
"No." You mumbled with tired eyes, avoiding his and looked over the balcony that had a huge view over the rest of campus.
"Seriously?" He repeated himself, "I mean so every single guy you've been with haven't managed to please you right?"
You looked up at him with nervous eyes and a blush creeping on your cheeks, "Honestly? I've never been with a guy before, Ashton."
His eyes widened by your statement and his jaw fell slightly, not because he was that shocked but more because he didn't really know how to react.
"You've always thought I had but if you think about it I've never agreed on anything or denied. I just thought it would be easier to not tell you rather than bragging about something fake that never actually occurred."
"But what about the guy from the bar you met a few weeks ago?" He asked with a quivered eyebrow.
"Oh Sam? Yeah he ended up getting so drunk I didn't follow him home for sex. I did it to make sure he wouldn't get drowned in his own puke." You shifted in your seat and moved your hair so it was resting against the right side of your bare shoulder.
"Okay then..." He mumbled and looked down at his shot glass shortly. "So not even a single visit from a finger?" He lifted his hand in the air and spread his fingers, waving them.
"No." You responded fast with your cheeks burning, but with a smile on your lips, feeling slightly embarrassed for his straight forward question.
Ashton nodded his head with a somehow impressed expression plastered on his face, yet he was still having a question lingering on his tongue.
Looking over at the others shortly he mumbled a small 'come on' before grabbing you by the arm and lifted the both of you up from the bench.
You looked at him confused but regardless following him into the living room of your dorm. He opened the door to your bedroom, turned on the lights and motioned his hand for you to follow him.
Still wearing the confused expressing on your face and watched him carefully by your dresser as he shut the door to your room and locked it. A small grin appeared on his face almost like he was feeling ridiculous and he approached you until he stood right ahead of you.
"So this weird idea came to my mind and I don't know whether it's because of the alcohol or the fact that I feel so insanely sorry for you." He admitted and folded his hands together.
"What weird idea?" You inquired, wanting him to continue.
"I thought about this thing and I know it's gonna sound ridiculous but hear me out. Since you seem somehow very shy about the fact that you haven't been with someone before, so shy that you can't even admit it to your best friend, I have a suggestion for you."
You furrowed your eyebrows confused, watching him as he giggled slightly with blushed cheeks.
"I want to help you along with your unawareness in the sexual world." He admitted.
"What?" You asked with wide eyes, almost wanting to hide your face with your hair. "What do you mean by that?"
"Consider it sex lessons, Y/N. One of the most important things about making a girl feel good is to know her body and from my observation you have no idea how your body works, what you like and what you don't. I want to help you with that, find your sweet spots, do's and don'ts. And when the time comes you'll be able to say to your future guy what he should do make you scream his name for hours."
Ashton removed a strand of hair falling into his eyes and smiled softly at you, "Only if you want of course. As I said Y/N; it's only a suggestion."
You nodded your head, not really knowing what the exact answer to give him was. You looked down at your feet, feeling your heart pound harsher against your chest.
"Wait does it mean we have to kiss?" You asked with wide eyes, realization suddenly hitting you.
"Of course." Ashton responded almost like the question was ridiculous. "Wait you've had your first kiss, right?" His expression changed to an almost nervous one, looking at you with furrowed eyebrows.
"Of course." You repeated his words and looked up at him with wide eyes.
He seemed to calm down by your answer, holding a hand in front of his chest but then a smirk was playing on his lips. You furrowed your eyebrows, watching as he rubbed his hands together and smiled down at you.
"So that was an indirect answer to my question?"
"What?" You questioned again and crossed your arms.
Ashton removed the space between you, placed his hands on your cheeks until they were wrapped in your hair and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened and first but it took a few seconds to adjust to the sudden feeling of Asthon's lips working against yours, nippling slightly on your bottom lip.
"I think we just made ourselves a deal Ms. YL/N." He whispered when pulling away breathlessly, smiling when you nodded your head and allowed him to press his lips against yours again.
The tension was getting thick, the sound of Michael's bass still playing loud on your balcony and the faint chats mixing along but you blocked everything out. Rather wanting to focus on Ashton's lips as he pressed his thumbs against your hips to pull you even closer than possible.
"Wait." You pulled away breathless. "What if one gains feelings towards the other?"
"Simple." Ashton responded and pecked your lips shortly, "The sex lessons will be over."
You nodded your head shortly before letting him kiss you again, his hands roaming your whole body, going from your neck, down to your shoulders and resting on the bottom of your spine.
A small squeal left your lips when he moved down to grab your thighs with ease, lifting you up in his embrace and walked towards your bed. Placing you on top of your mattress he leaned down to kiss your neck, moving your hair to get access.
"Do you know anything about soft spots, Y/N?" He asked with slight concentration on his face, peppering your neck with kisses, some lasting long and passionate while others were just a peck.
"I don't know." You said honestly, your eyes squeezing by his magical lips working endlessly against your skin.
"That doesn't matter. I'll find that another time." He chuckled and moved away from your neck to kiss down your belly, moving your white t shirt up to show your stomach and bra.
"Compared to the fact that you don't date, never have been sexual with a guy before you sure as hell know how to dress sexy." He commented, his thumb caressing over the lace bra and lifted your shirt over your head.
He moved his lips down against your stomach until he came to your navel, kissing right below it and hooked his thumbs on the hem of your shorts with ease. He pulled them down until he came to your feet, letting you kick them off and land on your carpet.
You looked down to see him passionately kiss around your panties, his eyelashes resting against his cheeks while he seemed concentrated.
"Ashton?" You murmured and placed your hands on your stomach. He stopped the second you said his name and looked at you with curiosity in your eyes.
"What if- What if they walk in or look in through the window? I don't want them to see anything-"
Ashton placed a finger in front of your lips to silent you. He smiled softly before standing up and removed his football jersey from his body, showing his toned chest and muscular biceps.
Throwing the jersey on you with a smile he headed towards the window and made sure to shut the curtains, seeing the guys still occupied with the vodka and music.
"They won't notice a thing. Remember I locked the door." He nodded his head towards the door and went back to sit by the edge of the bed. "And if you don't feel secure enough to show yourself fully naked to me yet just wear my jersey. Eventually you will feel more comfortable when we've done this a couple of times."
You nodded your head silently to his words and put on his jersey, seeing him smile kindly at you before motioning you to lie down on your back.
Another squeal left your lips when he grabbed you by the calves and moved you down to the end of the bed, crawling down so his knees were pressed against your carpet. You leaned on your elbows to look down at him, somehow breathing heavily when he creeped under the jersey and slowly took of your panties.
"Just relax and enjoy this Y/N. It's gonna be amazing I promise." He murmured and wrapped your legs around his head, lifting his jersey slightly up until your hips.
You nodded your head and leaned back, focused up at the ceiling and felt your chest rising heavily. He was peppering kisses around your thighs, so close to your area you were almost shuddering beneath him.
"Sometimes you won't really know what to do with your hands because everything is so overwhelming it's hard to have one way to react." He mentioned and placed a kiss to your pubic bone.
"And even though the sheets seem tempting," He paused to look up at you and run a hand through his hair, "Don't be afraid to pull on the curls."
You watched him below your lashes, his hands grabbing your thighs while his thumb caressed the skin. Smiling up at you shortly he moved down to latch hips lips right around the center of your clit, giving it a very small kiss before licking the spot.
"The thing that boys always seem to fail when eating out a girl is their way of situation their mouth and use of their tongue," He sucked twice on your clit, making a jolt run through your legs and your whole body tensing by the sudden feeling.
"What they don't know is you shouldn't just fucking lick the clit like an ice cream cone. That doesn't create anything else and is only inspired from porn which rarely is about stimulation."
He stopped talking to attach his lips back to your clit, starting out slowly until he felt the desire to add more pressure to his sucking, "What really should be done is sucking just around the center of a girl's clit. It gives more stimulation, makes every single muscle in your body shake with anticipation and shudering by the otherwise simple touch."
"Are you trying to dirty talk?" You asked a bit confused, your breathing heavy as you looked down at him.
"No," He shook his head and kissed your clit, "Simply just stating facts. Never let a guy just lick you like a fucking cat. It only leaves your virgina covered up with salvia and the feeling of nothing going on down here for 20 minutes straight. Now if I continue doing this, you will come within 6 minutes if you allow yourself to let go."
You arched your shoulder when Ashton attached his lips back to the center of your clit, not sucking violently but enough for your whole body to shake with adrenaline. A small amount of sweat was forming on your forehead and your arms shook while Ashton tried to hold your hips steady.
He teasingly smiled up at you with a wink, satisfied by the reaction he was getting from you. Your hands were clutching on the sheets but when you could feel his curls brush against your thigh you reached down to grab them, tangling them between your fingers.
"That's it baby girl, just pull at them." He chuckled against your clit, sending vibrations along with his stubble scratching lightly.
"Ashton." You moaned softly, your breathing loud in the air. He hummed against your lips but didn't look up, only increased the speed and depth of his sucking.
"There's this warm pitch in my stomach." You mumbled, letting go of his hair with one hand to run it through your own and remove it from your sticky forehead.
"Catch it." He requested with a small smirk playing on his lips, using two of his fingers to insert and create much more arousal than before.
Your whole body shook by the suddenly movement, your eyes squeezing and your ears blocking out all the sounds around you. The laughter from outside became whispers, the bass from the music was replaced with your heart pounding loudly in your chest and your eyes seeing stars when you focused on that one thing in your stomach becoming fireworks.
It started simply, going from the pit of your stomach to down your thighs, not stopping until it came to the end of your toes and making them shudder. Your back was arching along with a gasp leaving your lips, your whole body shaking with adrenaline while Ashton slowed down to make you handle your orgasm better.
The second you landed back down on the mattress he stopped everything, watching you as your chest rose heavily and your mouth wide open to catch oxygen.
He placed one last kiss to your very sensitive spot, moving down on the floor to grab your panties before helping you to pull them up your legs.
Your cheeks were almost burning with fire and you lifted your ass to let him pull it them completely up. Sitting up you ran a hand through your hair and looked at him almost thankfully and he leaned his chin on top of the mattress.
"That was-" You stopped to take a deep breath, feeling every square inch of your skin feeling somehow blessed but also weird. Not in a bad way though.
"I assume amazing comparing to the fact that you moaned my name so amazingly sexy." He muttered with a smile, his dimple deep like a hole and embracing his cheek.
You nodded your head shyly and an awkward giggle escaped your lips.
"For how long have they been in there?"
It was like reality hit the both of you when you heard the sound of Michael's voice outside, his question lingering in the air and you heard a few faint responses.
"I don't know man, Y/N seemed somehow upset. I'll check on them within a minute I just need to finish my cigarette." Calum mumbled faint and your eyes widened the second the words left your lips.
You looked around confused on the bed, not really knowing what in the world you were looking for while Ashton simply sat and smiled at you, almost grinning. He didn't seem to be a rush and reached his arm forward to grab your shorts, making sounds with his tongue to get your attention.
Looking at him confused you rolled your eyes when you noticed your shorts in his hands, tore them away from his grip and hurried to pull them over your legs.
Jumping down from your bed you hurried towards the door to lock it up. Ashton stood up from the carpet to stand beside you, opening the door the second Calum stood right in front of it.
"Are you guys okay?" He asked, looking between you with furrowed eyebrows.
"Yeah... We were just talking about the philosophy homework that Y/N didn't seem to get. They're due to Monday. Always nice to be a great help." Ashton grinned and smiled down at you.
Calum nodded his head agreeing and pointed his thumb towards the balcony, "You coming back?"
"Sure." You responded quickly and nodded your head, watching as Calum nodded his head with a smile.
Ashton copied you and nodded his head as well. You walked out of your bedroom to follow the dark haired boy but stopped in track when Ashton smacked your ass, walked past you like it's as nothing and walked out on the balcony to reunite with the others.

team mystic rules

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