Racing Habits

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Eren POV

I pulled up to the usual starting line too see Armin standing next too his Audi R8 "hey Eren!!!" He called waving his hands in the air. I put my gloves on and brushed him off. "Levi get up." He got up and wiped his eyes getting out of car "I'm up."

"Alright I'll see you in a few." He went to the side line and sat down. This place was pretty popular, every race there were more people, new faces. These bright lights my god, the owner of this place was a guy named Mike, it was an abandoned race track and he made it like new. The guys that work for me took my Audi R8 and pulled up my race car the McLaren F1 "Armin how do you plan on beating me with that car? I legit drove here in that car, that's nothing."

"By driving safely, that's how."

"Stop playing goody two shoes I've known you since middle school." He smiled "good luck." I put my helmet on "I don't need luck." I looked at Levi once before I turned my helmet on "racing again Eren?!?!"

"Yes mom!" I got in the car and pressed on the gas. They changed my engine hope it's better than the last one. Mike came up too my window "tracks a bit slippery take it easy out there." I nodded and he went too tell Armin the same thing. I heard another engine roar too life and I looked beside Armin to see... Jean!!! What the fuck? How does he know about this place? Mike made his last stop Jean and went to the stands. I could hear my heart beat and it was as if time slowed down I watched the flags and then once I saw the color green flash I took off not caring about where Armin and Jean were. I need this money. I saw Jean speed up, what kind of car was he driving? A Bugatti Veyron Super Sport, that's a pretty fast car, but I wasn't in the mood too lose today. I switched gears and pressed my foot to the gas. I gave Jean a thumbs up before I sped off.

I passed Levi and something brought me too look at him, he blew me a kiss and if that wasn't enough encouragement the gas pedal was practically touching the ground after that, I had slid a couple times and every time I looked back at Jean he would look like a deer caught in headlights, where was Armin? We were on our last lap and let me tell you even if Jean was just a rookie he knew what he was doing, whenever he managed to get in front of me he made it impossible for me too get back in the lead. Neck and neck we crossed the finish line. I got out of the car and Jean got out as well, taking his helmet off and ruffling his hair. "Who's under that helmet?" I crossed my arms and took my helmet off "Eren!! My man, what's up!?!?" He fist bumped me "how do you know about this place?"

"I'm like Armin's stunt double. He didn't want too race on the wet track so he called me up last minute and here I am. Armin and I used too talk about you in middle school. You were a little fire cracker, that hasn't changed and that's how Armin and I became friends. Am I gonna see you at work tomorrow?" He smirked "of course you're gonna see me at work. Where's Marco?"

"He doesn't want too see me get hurt so he stayed back." I nodded, I heard my name being called from the side lines and I raised my eyebrows "Looks like your boyfriends calling."

"I can hear him. I'll be right back." I turned around and smiled when I saw Levi. He had the brightest smile on. When I reached him he wrapped his arms around my neck, considering he was up in the stands "oh my god my super hot boyfriend can race!!!! When I asked for a boyfriend I didn't know I would get this!!!" I laughed "come down here, I'll catch you." He climbed over the railing and jumped down I caught him and put him on the ground, he kissed me. "When are you gonna teach me too ride one of those?"

"Whenever you want babe." Jean came over "Levi."

"Jean. You did pretty good out there." Jean pretended to be flattered and his jaw dropped, he put his hand on his chest "that was the first time you've ever said something nice to me."

"I'm not that bad of a human being." I saw mike waving me over with a mic in his hand. Jean looked at mike as well "what happens in a tied race here?"

"They don't split it they just give us both the first place prize. If it's race running on bets we do another round and whoever wins that one wins first place."

"And what would that first place prize be?" I laughed "one hundred thousand dollars."

"Sweet Jesus!!!!"

"Mikes calling me over for my prize, one minute Jean." Levi walked beside me "you're practically rich!"

"I wish Levi, I wish." Once we were by Mike he turned his microphone on and looked at us. I wrapped my arm around Levi's waist "We have here our number one racer, Eren jaeger!! Never losing a race." I smiled because it was true I've never lost, but I've finally met my racing match, Jean Kirstein with the horsepower of an actual horse. I looked up at the screen located above the track too see Levi and I. I knew what was about happen "who's this guy?" I smiled "this is my boyfriend."

"Sorry, ladies but he's taken." Levi looked up at me. "How about a little kiss cam for our new couple." The side lines went crazy and Jean was over there cheering them on. It made me laugh, I let go of Levi and he turned around too face me. He wrapped his arms around my neck and whispered "I guess this is my prize too you." He kissed me the screaming got louder, those people really wanted this. He pulled away and smiled, Mike noticed the rings on our fingers "can you guys put your left hands up." Levi did it hesitantly and I followed him "can we get a close up on those rings?" The camera zoomed in on the rings and then I was sure my ears were going to burst the screaming and yelling was insane. Levi giggled "I think we're married."

"We don't need rings to know that."

"Here's your prize Eren." He handed me my trophy with all the money in it. We've never had a tie here before but they had the money and trophies on hand, this guy was so rich, with all the money he got form these people that came too watch "I want to wear your helmet." I looked down at Levi and gave him my helmet, he put it on and then I realized something... My mom. They called Jean over and gave him his stuff. Jean saluted me and got back in his Bugatti leaving the track. I had bigger things worry about, they drove my race car into the shop for work and pulled up my Audi R8. Levi got in the front seat and I put my trophy in the back. I could only pray that my mom didn't show Levi the baby pictures. Please don't do it mom. He removed the helmet and put it on his lap. "Your mom..."

"What about her?"

"She's amazing. How come you've never shown me those pictures!?" Oh god oh god oh god "I didn't want her too show you those. I was an angry child."

"I could tell by your expression. You were cute."

"I'm not cute now."

"Of course you are." I crossed my arms "I'm having trouble believing that." He kissed my cheek "stop being a brat and you owe me an explanation. Why do you do this racing thing?" I didn't say anything "where do you wanna go?"

"No where until you tell me why you race."

"I race to pay bills. It puts money in my pocket."

"You risk your life for a place too stay?" I nodded "I wouldn't live in a studio if Mikasa had a place too stay, she refuses too live with Farlan and I don't know why." My phone buzzed and I took it out of my pocket. How ironic it was Mikasa I read the message she sent me and I froze

we need too talk Eren

What would she possibly want too talk about? Nothing good. "I have too go home for a minute and then I promise I'll take you wherever you want to go."


I feared what Mikasa had to tell me.

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