An Old Friend

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Eren's POV

The travel back home was smooth and by the time we got off the plane it was early in the morning and everyone was exhausted. I ended up driving back home because Levi couldn't keep his eyes open and the sad part was I wasn't gonna get any sleep once I got home. I had to start looking into adoption and our wedding how much money would we end up spending. Would we need to be on a budget for the months leading up to our wedding stuff like that.


I pulled into the driveway and parked the car glancing at Levi, he slept peacefully. I got out and walked around the car opening Levi's door I picked him up and took him inside placing him on the couch I went back out and got our bags. I locked the car and went back inside closing and locking the door behind me "I missed this place." I dropped our bags and Codi came running up to me "I missed you to boy! Did the automatic feeder work?" I said the last part more to myself...who am I kidding I was talking to the dog. At least he listens. I walked into the kitchen to see the feeder had indeed kept him fed I let out a sigh and fixed his food and water for the night. I went back into the living room where I picked Levi back up and took him upstairs to our room.


Once I had everything situated Levi in bed, the dog fed, I unpacked our stuff, I got Levi some water from downstairs, I was pretty much set for the night. I sat at my desk and turned on my little desk light and started planning our wedding, looking for lawyers for the adoption. I made myself some coffee so I could stay up because I was extremely tired, but I couldn't fall asleep.


I heard Levi moving around and turned to look at him "Eren, baby what are you doing at this time come lay down next to me. You need to rest."

"I'll be there in a second, love." I turned back to the computer screen. I heard him moving around again and the next thing I knew I felt his hands on my shoulders and then my chair spin around I looked up at him "I've made a very bold decision." Uh oh that can't be good I hope he isn't gonna break up with me!!! What if he does?! Divorce!!!!! "And what would that decision be?" I gulped and I guess he could see the worry on my face because he smiled "I want to be the mom. I don't mind being called dad, but I feel like more of a mother figure." He blushed and I almost fainted "so that makes you my-"

"Wife. That makes me your wife and you're my husband I just like the way wife sounds." I nodded "I can work with that. You're adorable you scared the shit out of me." He caressed my cheek "now will you come to bed? I don't like sleeping by myself." He pulled my hands and I stood up walking to the bed with him and laid down he laid down also and I pulled him closer to me wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his shoulder "I felt the bed dip and heard the tags dangling from Codi's collar. He had jumped on the bed and was laying by our feet.


When I woke up I heard Codi jump off the bed "what time is it?" I had some how manage to wrap my arms around Levi's waist and my head was on his stomach. I felt his hand in my hair. I eased up and looked at him and then back at Codi who was whimpering "I'll take you out in a second." I stood up "Levi." He opened his his eyes "I'm gonna go take Codi for a walk you coming?" He nodded and yawned. I got off the bed and Levi swung his feet over the side "is it cold outside?"

"Yeah it's that late September weather. It's not cold but it's not warm either." I walked out of the room running downstairs. Walking into the kitchen I put the kettle on the stove, making Levi some coffee. Hot water and a shot of espresso. When it was done I put it in a thermos and placed it down on the counter. I put on my Converses and put my jacket on. I fixed Codi's food and accidentally knocked my snapback off the table and I somehow managed to catch it with the tip of my shoe. I kicked it up and it landed in my head. "At least it didn't land in the dog food." I heard clapping and turned to see Levi smiling "impressive, you work fast. You think you can do all that and get a kid dressed and ready for school in the same amount of time?" I put the bowl down and smiled "I have a system." I picked up the thermos and handed it to him "in other words, of course." I turned the stove off and followed Levi to the door he already had his shoes and jacket on. Codi sat there turning in circles. One the door open he walked towards the sidewalk Levi and I following close behind him. Levi taking little sips from the thermos.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2016 ⏰

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