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Dear Rich People,
Look I am not here to offend people, but rich people just are fūcking ugh. You guys are bitches and snobs, I'm sorry. But for most it's true, now now I am not rich at all, zero, Zelch. Not at all. I am in fact probably below the poverty line. You don't have to believe me, but just listen. The thing I don't like is how they like to show off, especially when you know the person is financially struggling. Like I get it you have fucking Birkenstocks, a Gucci handbag and a Ferrari, you don't have to rub it in. You're over there getting what ever the fuck you want when for Christmas my parents can't even afford presents, most is donated by my local food pantry cause we're that poor. Yes, I'm jealous that you have all of this when you know god damn well your parents bought that shit for you. But it also hurts when you invite me to your birthday party and I can't afford what your other friends got you. Maybe a new lipstick I bought I Walmart, but that's it. I can't make you happy, even when you're rubbing it in half the time. I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry that I'm so poor that you feel the need to rub it in my face.

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