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Dear Fake Friends,

Fake friends, at some point everyone will have them. Whether you like it or not, you will face them. My experience actually happened recently. Not to go into too much detail about the situation, but it was overall stupid as hell. And I realized who were my real friends and who weren't. In this moment, you can't help but laugh at how ironic it was for them to say they were their for you. When in the end they couldn't help but backstab you. But it's all a lesson of life that is needed to be learned in order to grow. I kind of thank that not so friend for being fake to me because now I can focus on the people who are here in front of me. Who care for me, who genuinely are proud and happy for me. You don't have to have tons of friends to be happy. I realize that my only true friend would have to be the one that stuck by me for the past 2 years. The people who you'd randomly call 'best friend' would turn out not to be your best friend, just a person who you think will be there in the moment. Just know, it's a part of life and that's the end of this fake friends rant.
Love you lovelies,
Reahsah ❤️

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