Fire and water.

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  • Dedicated to Snickerlicious

There was once two worlds, both different from each other, one planet was inhabited by the vampires, they can control fire and earth elements, the other world was inhabited by the angels, they can control water/ice, earth and wind elements. These two worlds lived in peace far away from each other until one day...

The worlds both fell into the same orbit and eventually will crash into each other, both the vampires and angels had no idea that both their worlds will collide into each other and create one world. Causing a mass of destruction and deaths.

On that fateful day, on both sides everyone was sleeping, they had no idea what would happen until...

There was a loud boom, which both sides could hear, which was then followed by an earthquake destroying houses on both sides, both the castles were merely shaken by the earthquake, all of the buildings on both sides were destroyed and millions were dead, the ones who survived peered from the rubble of their house, they all looked in which the direction of the loud boom came from.

On each side you could see a cloud of dust, they all crowded along the line waiting to see what was behind it...

As the dust clouds faded away, they would both see what was on the other side. The dust had disappeared now, and both sides stood their staring at each other, and then realised that they were both different from each other, they soon realised that they were both the opposites of each element, fire and water. They both came into attack, until a person both fire and water elements stood in the middle of the fight, not doing anything just looking around in disgrace, the person shouted "STOP" and everyone stopped and starred at the person as it spoke...

"This is no way to treat each other, yes you may be different but that doesn't matter! On the inside you're the same, and to stop the fighting I declare there will be a force field to stop any of you getting onto the other side, there will be a gap in between the force field for where I will live watching everyone, and protecting you all. This land will be called 'unite' but the time has not come for you to unite yet, you must build up your land and show that you have the courage to unite with your opposites and make peace!" The person snapped its fingers and both sides were on their own land and a force field grew between the lands with a space for the castle of unity, where the protecter will live in peace watching over everyone...

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