Chapter 6- family time

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My fingers hastily tapped on my window ledge. I pondered for a moment, about the letter I sent.

Had it reached the person? Or just ripped to shreds and floating in a river? Well, what ever the letters fate was, I sure hoped someone read it.

My thought bubble was soon popped as my pesky brother poured freezing cold water over my head.

"DAN, YOU LITTLE FREAK! WAIT TILL I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" .I shouted in rage, my blood boiling up, ready to spurt like a volcano.

I ran after him, thundering down the stairs, wanting to catch my prey.

Panting, I looked around the kitchen in search of him. Then the door burst open and my gran came in.

"Hello, Amy dear have you been for a run?" She said looking puzzled.

"No, I...". I gasped. Then continued. "Dan, just annoyed me that's all."

"Well, I'm going to sit down, why don't you make me a blood jugger?" She said.

More like the other way round!

A blood jugger is a vampire drink. Which consists of blood, sugar, milk. Quite disgusting really. All the grown-ups drink it!

I prepare the drink, then hand it over. She thanks me, then I go out into the Garden in search of dan.

There he is! I put a fire ball around him, it won't harm him, unless I want it too. I make him stop, and hover in mid air.

"S-sorry Amy, please don't hurt me, you weren't listening to what I was saying, we're going out for a family meal".

I put him down on the ground and he runs inside the house.

So that was what gran was doing here, she hardly ever visits.

I then go back inside the house and get ready.

I order a pint of blood at the restaurant, I'm not hungry. Grans making a fuss, saying I've got too eat. Mum and dad are bickering over whether dad is allergic to Garlic or not. And dan, well dan has just set fire to my dress..

OMG! I grab the nearest glass of water over me, but Dan puts the fire out before.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING AMY?" My mum shouts.


The whole restaurant turns and stares, I feel absolutely mortified.

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