"I looove you!"
"Dad!" JJ laughs.
"Ok sweetie in gonna go to bed. You did your homework?"
"Brushed your teeth?"
"We braided your hair."
"Mm hmm."
"Ok I'm gonna go to bed now."
"Ok." She gives me a huge
"Good night baby girl." I close her door and go to my bedroom.
Hey good looking- misha
I roll my eyes and text him back.
You should be sleeping.
You should talk to me.
You can call me? My phone starts ringing and of course it's misha.
"Hey." I answer.
"I'm bored."
"Yeah, what're you doing?"
"Watching American idol. What about you?"
"Getting ready for bed...sadly. I really need a night out."
"How about next Friday you ask jay to pick up justice and you and me hang out. All night. We could go to a bar, the lake, drive around playing music loud."
"We could have our first sleepover together?"
"Are we gonna sleep in the same bed or are you gonna make me sleep on the couch and then trip up the stairs because I tried kissing you!?"
"Yes we can sleep in the same bed."
"This is gonna be fun."
"Heck yeah it is."
"So what're you doing now?"
"Laying in bed."
"Yeah? What'd you sleep in?"
"Well you know I have a 6 year old in the house so I gotta sleep in pajama pants and a shirt."
"I sleep in the nude."
"Babe... We've shared a hotel room before."
"Ok ok I sleep in my boxers and a long sleeve shirt."
"Yeah.. You're so cute."
"Thank you."
"Ok I gotta go to bed baby."
"Ok. Good night, Jens."
"Good night, baby." I hang up with a small smile and fall asleep.
"Ok.." I open the fridge. "Ok." I shut it. "Grab your coat were gonna go get some in N out." I jump in the car and make sure JJ is buckled up. "Hey I was thinking you can stay with Jared Friday?"
"Well I kinda wanted to have a fun night by myself."
"I'll pick you right away the next day."
"Ok." I nod. We order out food and then eat in the car while listening to let it go. "So.. What do you think if I start dating again?"
"If he doing romantic things with other people other then Dan-mom."
"With who?"
"Well I don't know. I'd want to make sure it's ok with you before it gets serious."
"Are you dating somebody now?"
"Uh no.. No not right now."
"She has to be pretty."
"Ok I can find somebody pretty."
"And who can do my hair."
"You don't like when I do your hair!?" I gasp.
"Ok pretty and can do hair."
"Mm hm." She nods.
"Ok eat your chicken nuggets little lady." I chuckle. Misha is pretty.. In a manly way and I bet he can do hair.. Ok this might actually work out. I just... Oh screw it I don't know how this will work.