"Good morning." I smile to justice.
"Good morning." She smiles back.
"Ok hurry up and get changed. I'm gonna go make breakfast." I walk down the stairs and see misha holding a box of doughnuts. "Hi?!" I laugh.
"I broke into your house.."
"I see."
"But I brought doughnuts!"
"I see." I laugh again.
"I was gonna surprise you."
"Well I am definitely surprised." I walk closer and grab the doughnuts. "Wait."
"How'd you break in?" I look around and see a window open.
"Yeah.. Now that I think of it. It wasn't the best idea."
"It's fine." I kiss him.
"Ok I'm gonna go now before JJ sees us."
"No stay. I can just say you brought doughnuts.."
"Ok." Misha chuckles. I grab his hand and lead him into the kitchen. "You look really cute with morning hair."
"Shh." I take a sip of my coffee. "I think I need another kiss."
"Ok." Misha leans over but stops. "Hey JJ."
"Hi misha." She waves. I open the box and hand her a sprinkled one.
"Thank you." I whisper to misha and pat his back lovingly. I gather up JJ's homework and put it into her bag. "Do you want PB&J or a ham sandwich?" I ask pulling out the bread and some carrots.
"PB&J." Misha answers. JJ laughs loudly.
"He asked me!" JJ says.
"Do you want a sandwich,mish?" I chuckle.
"Yes please."
"Ok. Jay?" I look at her.
"Ham please."
"Ok." I start to make them. I grab a paper bag and draw a heart on it and then put JJ's lunch which is ham and cheese sandwich carrot sticks and some banana chips with a juice box. "Ready?" I ask.
"Mm hmm."
"Wanna come or do you wanna hang out here?"
"I think I'll stay. Eat my sandwich and raid your underwear drawer." Misha smiles.
"I'll be back in about 15 minutes." I roll my eyes.
"Bye." He waves with a big grin.
"You don't have anything better to do then hang out with me on our day off?" I ask skipping down the steps freshly showered
"No.. Not really." Misha shakes his head. "And now I know you sing along in the shower."
"You heard me?" I blush.
"I did."
"Yeah you're gonna have to leave now so I can hide in my blankets forever."
"Come here." He chuckles and pulls me into him. "Do you blow dry your hair?" Misha laughs loudly.
"Nope ok out." I push him to the door and then close it.
Knock knock
I open it and look at him. "I need my keeps if you're kicking me out." I grab them from the table and then pull them away as he reaches for them which causes a kiss.
"You can come in." I open the door wider and he walks in and I push him to the couch.
"Hey no getting 3rd base yet." Misha chuckles.
"Ok ok I'll keep my hands above your belt."
"Shut up and kiss me." He pulls me down and pushes his lips to mine.