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Misha slides his hands into my back pockets and squeezes making a small moan escape my mouth. Misha pulls away and looks at me with a grin. "That was a really sexy moan."
"I can't do anything more. No matter how nice of a kisser you are and how much you grab and rub my ass." I sigh. "I think it's best if we stop now."
"Ok you're the boss." He takes his hands out of my pockets allowing me to sit up.
"Daddy! Look!" JJ runs over and hands me a picture she drew.
(Yes I drew this on a app so yeah.)

"Awe look it's the three of us

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"Awe look it's the three of us." Misha says.
"JJ I love it." I grin. "Why don't you uh.. Go outside and play while we get dinner ready?"
"Ok!" Once she's outside I tackle misha back down to on the couch.
"That drawing turns you on that much?" He chuckles.
"Oh my god yes." I mutter.
"Hey hey ok stop." He pushes me off. "How about I come over when JJ's at school? We can make out all you want. Maybe even put those new sheets to a better use?"
"Yes! You have the best ideas!" I clap. "This time I'll make sure it'll be slut free."
"I'm sorry but that's a little impossible."
"Because I'm the biggest slut." He whispers in my ear. "We gotta make dinner."
"You need to give me a second." I grab the pillow and lay it over my crotch. Wrinkly skin, feet, dirty sheets, misha in hand cuffs. No no off track. Chickens, how hot dogs are made! I let a small gag out and then stand up.
"Please tell me feet are a turn off for you?"
"Wait.. Did I say that all out loud?"
"Yes. And I really hope you don't like feet."
"I don't I promise. None of that other then you in hand cuffs." There's a knock on the door which carries us off topic.
"Jensen ackles?"
"You've been served." He hands me an envelope and walks off. I turn around with my mouth still open. I go to the kitchen and shake my head.
"What?" Misha asks frying something.
"Somebody is suing me?" I open the envelope and see the following name.
Daneel Harris

"Oh my god."
"Who is it?"
"Daneel!!" I shout. "The fucking bitch!" I keep reading.
Not allowing me to see the daughter (justice jay ackles)
"No. Absolutely not will I let this go!" I grab the phone but misha takes it away.
"Hey stop." He says. "You obviously will win."
"Can you take JJ out to dinner I need to be alone." I take my wallet out.
"Jensen I can't let you do that."
"Why, misha!?"
"Because I don't want you to do something you'll regret!!" He shouts back at me. He is right. Knowing me I'd call her up and threaten her and then bam the end of my life. "Why don't you go upstairs. Take a shower or a bath or just lay there and relax. I'll come get you when dinner is done."
"I swear to god I'm going to kill her." I grit my teeth.
"Ok love.. I don't even trust you by yourself." Misha says.
"She left us! She was the one who decided we weren't good enough! God why am I not good enough?" I break down crying.
"You're more then good enough Jen." Misha grabs my face and wipes the tears off. "You're to good for me! You're like this god! This perfect god." He says. "It sucks for her because she didn't see what I see in you." I look away trying not to cry more. "I like you Jensen so much. And I'm sorry she left but now look at us. JJ seems to be at least 50% more happier. You've been doing amazing on the show. I don't know how you manage to take care of a 6 year old, do your job and still have time to take care of me." He chuckles. "You're amazing." He pulls me into him. I wrap my arms around his hips and lay my head on his shoulder. "You're amazing." He whispers again.

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