Chapter Five: The Car Ride

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The new cover ^^ Also can someone please scream with me on how shitty Priyanka's png is cut out?? I really need to work on that

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The new cover ^^ Also can someone please scream with me on how shitty Priyanka's png is cut out?? I really need to work on that. Fawad looks so done in the pic.

I watch her eyes, making direct eye contact with her. Her eyes are brown, a shade that never seems to settle. Right now, the color is dark, looking almost merciless. My hands seem to be imprinting themselves on the concrete floor or maybe the other way around. Out of fear I move back again, my car digging into my back.

The moment is interrupted when a object rolls to my knees. The criminal's eyes widen and she looks back, taking off her bag as she does. In the darkness, I didn't notice she had a bag on before. Now, I can see it and it's nothing more than a black bag you'd wear to school.

She moves her knees so she can look at the damage that had been caused. I take a deep breath of relief, then scanning what could have saved my life - or postponed my death. A brown bottle lies on the floor and I pick it up despite the fact the criminal obviously dropped it.

My eyes scan the label and I realize it's medicine, the type for kids who can't take pills. I nearly smile at the memories, remembering taking a sip and scowling at the flavor as my brother mocked me. The moment fades away and my heart picks up its rate where it left off when I picked up the bottle.

Why would she have this? Unless she mixes and deal drugs, it's not likely she'll have it. I don't even think you can mix drugs with this. Usually these types of medicine is weak, lacking serious drugs. You can't even mix them, I think.

My eyebrows furrow more when I read the next line. Cough medicine? Why would she need it? And for a kid as well? Wait, she could be a mother or something. Judging by her appearance, she looks too young but last time I was completely wrong.

She grabs it from my hands, her hands warm compared to my cold ones. It barely takes her any time to shove it back in her bag and she zips it up tightly this time, ensuring no spills will happen now.

The criminal gets up, brushing off the dirt I can't see. She looks back to me and sighs. Her hands move to the air above me, a gesture that she'll help me up. My gut told me to refuse, that she's not trust worthy but this time I ignore it. I take her warm hand, feeling her soft skin against mine (which is probably soft since I've never done hard labor) as she pulls me up to her height.

As soon as my feet hit the ground, she drops my hand as if it's on fire. "What's your name?" I blurt out, watching her expressions turn into surprise.

"Does it really matter?" she asks with a sigh. When she sees my eyes fall to the ground, she sighs again. "Matsya. Just call me Matsya."

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