Chapter 24: Death?

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I feel like a chicken.

We're both pushed by the butt of Amir's gun to the middle of the nowhere. Amir has so much power over us, within the gun that most likely killed Tina and here I am; whimpering like a chicken before it dies.

Amir smiles at us, dust swirling up at his feet as his yellow teeth gleam in the light. "Amir, if you're going to kill me, just remember that I've left colgate in my will for you. You definitely need it," I comment, causing Matsya to smile before Amir glares at her.

"Don't worry. You'll need it to wipe all the blood off your teeth after I'm done with you," Amir snaps, pushing me onto the floor. I hear my name being called from Matsya before I tumble onto the floor with my hands scattered everywhere. I scramble to face Amir, my butt firmly placed on the floor as Amir points the gun to me.

Oh God.

There's dirt on my hands, reminder of the rain that downpoured a few days ago. From the way a few angry clouds loom over, it was certain that it'll rain again. Amir picked the perfect date to kill someone -- the blood will be washed away into the cracks of this earth.

I lick my lips, all the newfound confidence disappearing as my heart drums with each second. I watch Amir, my eyes settling on the edges of his smile, the confidence he holds in his broad shoulders and muscles, and the small black necklace around his neck. It clings to his skin, along with his olive shirt. There's smears of dirt on it, something from weeks ago.

Matsya besides him looks more terrified than I have ever in my life. In her eyes, I could already see my fate. She knows I'm going to die, and she knows that she can't do anything to help me.

I'll die a coward, in the middle of no where even when my best friend sacrificed her life for me.

I hear doors slamming and people shouting to each other as they walk closer. My eyes don't move to scan Amir's gang walking closer and instead, I stare at the gun and wonder what did Tina see in her last moments. My heart starts to thud.

She sacrificed her life for nothing. I'm going to die.

The gun clicks, just as Matsya starts to move. She's trying to pull out of his reach, attempting but failing at flinging herself at me like it'll save me from Amir's wrath. Amir's hands tighten aroud her wrists, turning the brown a red as he pulls her closer to him instead of me.

He whispers something in her ear, and her face turns paler at the mention of it. She looks like she's going to hurl and then she looks at me with desperation rooted in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry," she mouths, tears forming in her eyes as she closes her eyes. My heart starts to melt, breaking apart as I realise I was Matsya's last hope at a better life. At being away from Amir, guns and being another name for fear. Within the pull of Amir's gun, she'll return to being Amir's doll that has nothing besides guns and a black heart.

I was her hope for happier days . . . and now, on top of her parents' deaths, she blames herself for my soon to be death.

"Any last words?" Amir asks, sighing as if this is a huge waste of his time. The way his lips tug upwards proves his sigh wrong however; deep inside, he was enjoying the show. He's enjoying Matsya squirms, how her arms tug away from him and the tears that refuse to fall out of her eyes. The tears that pool in the jail of her thoughts.

"Why are you toturing Matsya?" I ask, my voice barely a whisper. I repeat it again, broadening my shoulders. "Why are you torturing Matsya?"

Amir raises an eyebrow at the question, his eyes narrowing onto me with newfound curiosity. "She didn't follow rules. She's simply paying the price," Amir coldly explains, his tone a bored monotone. "If it wasn't for our relationship, she would've been besides you. I'm giving her a chance to redeem herself after your death."

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