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"Won't you tell me what's going on?!" I yelled at my mom in a hushed tone.
She quietly ushered me and my older brother Avery to a very spacious part hidden in the ceiling of her room.

"Everything will be fine. Just stay here and don't go out unless I tell you to." my mom said calmly.

Avery & I have no idea of what was going on. My mom suddenly went all bananas and pulled us out of our sleeping beds in the middle of the night.

"Mom. Is this some kind of prank? Please tell us." Avery groaned. I could tell he was really really annoyed of mom's odd behavior.

"I found a death threat in the mail awhile ago. Somebody could be barging into the house anytime, I'm not that sure if it's true though. It's best to be safe just incase." mom said sternly.

"A death threat huh. What did it say?" Avery asked.

Mom reached for her pocket and handed us a piece of scented paper, neatly folded. Wow, to write a death threat on some special paper, you must be really sassy.

We waited to be in place in the ceiling when we decided to read what was written on the paper, but mom suddenly closed up the ceiling with the piece of wood that was covering the area, making it hard for us to read with the very little light coming through the holes of the roof.

'I'll kill you at 3:00 am and if you don't show up with the W.O.T., I'll kill your whole family as


We stopped reading when we heard a gun shot. I peeped through a hole and I was stuck on where I was. I can't move with the sight I was seeing.

Mom got shot by someone. I tried to look at the other side of the room but I can't. My eyes were fixed on my mom's bleeding body. Tears immediately fell out of my eyes. I was paralyzed, what should I do now?

I was pulled out of my reverie when I saw Avery's figure going towards my mom.
Everything was in slow motion—My mom's mouth was moving, yelling something at Avery but I couldn't hear it. The next thing that happened was


If this is a dream, someone please wake me up. My body was glued to the ceiling walls. I can't help but feel a pain inside of me, I'm about to faint. I wanted to go out of here, but what could I do? I'm so useless.

Ace Rosier, you're better than this.

I decided to jump down the ceiling and into mom's room, only to find no one on the doorframe.
The killer has escaped.

I was fighting back my tears, helping mom & Avery down the stairs and into the car—but I can't do it. I reached for the telephone and contacted 911.
I continued walking towards the door with mom & Avery on my shoulders.

"It's gonna be okay mom, Avery. We could do this.. I love you. Please STAY STRONG!" I can't help but tear up.

"I'm s-sorry, Ace.." Avery fell down on the floor.

I tried my best to lean down and pick Avery up again, but my knees were weak. I have to stay strong because mom will fall If I don't.

"Avery?" I called out. No answer. He was staring blankly at me and blinking like he's having a hard time at it.

"Avery, y-you're better than this.. Stay with me, you idiot." I finally got his hand and pulled him up and fell..down? Onto the floor.

"M-Mom...Avery..." and I completely lost my consciousness.


As soon as I opened my eyes, everything was a blur. All I can see is blue and red, blue and red.

Sirens, that's it.

"Mom!! Avery.." I tried to sit up but a nurse held me down.

"Calm down miss, they're at the other ambulances. Hopefully, they'll make it." the nurse smiled cheekily and I was brought inside an ambulance and slept.

Moments later, I woke up on a hospital bed. My body felt numb but I can still manage to move. I was just laid down, no hospital wires or whatever sticked to my body.
I had to get up to check on Avery and mommy.

I asked the nurse where they were and she stared at me for quite long, like she was unsure of what she was about to say to me. This is bad.

"ARE THEY OKAY?!" I shook the nurse's shoulders.

"I'm sorry Miss Rosier. Uh—Mrs. Rosier was dead on arrival a-and Mr. Rosier is in a coma.." She closed her eyes apologetically and looked back at me, she started speaking but I didn't want to hear more of it.

I can't believe I've let my idiot brother come after mom. And now he has to fight for his own life as well.. I wouldn't handle losing him too.

"Where's Avery?" I asked the nurse in a shaky voice. Tears were coming out of my eyes like waterfalls and I can feel a throbbing pain inside my heart.

As soon as the nurse told me where he was, I dashed as fast as I could. I need to spend the last moments with my brother.

Running, weeping and clutching my chest. I can't lose you too, Avery?

Author's Note

Hello! I'm sorry for the kinda short chapter. I'm a newbie and it would be nice if you voted this, my very first work here on Wattpad. It would inspire me to do better on my future chaps.
I entertain suggestions, so please leave a comment if you have one for a filler chap!! 😊


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